The Haters of Judiasm are a Minority

The haters of Judaism and the blowers of horns are a minority

The evil inclination wants us to be alarmed by a few dozen blowers of horns that the media is trying to amplify in order to disrupt the atmosphere. Don't let it! Its method is to give the impression that Jewish haters are the majority; they are not

Dizengoff Square. Archive (Photo: Nati Shohat/Flash90)

We are in four wonderful days: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are behind us, and Sukkot is before us. According to our sages, these four days are free from sins, and the "counting of sins" begins with Sukkot: "'And you shall take for yourselves on the first day' – but is it the first day? Is it not the fifteenth day? So why 'first'? First for the accounting of sins." Naturally, the influence of spending time in the synagogue during the Ten Days of Repentance resonates in the soul, prevents sins, and lifts our spirits.

Part of maintaining our spiritual uplift is not getting carried away by the background noise that tries to bring us down. Let's summarize some of the good things that have happened in the State of Israel in the last forty days:

Since the beginning of the month of Elul, around three million Israelis visited the Western Wall. In fact, there was no more space available at the Western Wall plaza, so forgiveness prayers were held in large screens at various locations. Tens of thousands of awakening sessions were held across the country. Synagogues were filled with millions of worshippers on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, including gatherings in kibbutzim, community centers, and city centers. Yeshivas and study centers saw a growth of thirteen percent. Additionally, every other Jewish child who started first grade in the 5784 school year is wearing a kippah.

What does the evil inclination do? It wants us to be alarmed by a few dozen extremists who the media tries to highlight in order to ruin the atmosphere. Don't let it! Its method is to create the impression that the enemies of Judaism are the majority; they are not. How to practically deal with these oddballs is a separate matter, but first and foremost, it's important to clarify that they are a minority.

Last Saturday night, I was at the Western Wall for the Selichot prayers with over two hundred thousand people, more than all the protesters and readers of 'Haaretz' newspaper for generations. Don't give in to the people of hatred, and don't let them dictate your state of mind. They belong to the past; let's turn to the future, to the joy of Sukkot, where we celebrate "with all the good that the Lord your God has given to you."


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Former Israeli Ambassador: "I worry about Israel if, God forbid, Harris becomes president"

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Israel at war, IDF General, Opinion

IDF General: "Israel is not able to exercise its true power"

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Opinion: Will Biden be last proclaimed 'Zionist' President?

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Breakthrough drone detection system developed by Israeli university students

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IDF: This is why the drone was mistakenly not targeted before striking Tel Aviv

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Yahya Sari', the military spokesperson for the Houthis, has threatened that his organization will not remain silent regarding Israel's attack, clarifying their intentions: "Tel Aviv is no longer a safe zone."

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IDF, Air force, Yemen drone strike, Tel Aviv, victims

The victim killed by the drone strike in Tel Aviv has been named

The name of the person killed in the drone attack this morning in Tel Aviv was allowed to be published. Yevgeni Perder, 50 years old, has died. 8 other people were slightly injured in the attack.

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Horrific: Mother who murdered her 6 Year-old son was 'aware of her actions' reports find 

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Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.07.24

IDF, Air Force, Yemen drone, Tel Aviv

"What happened last night was a crazy omission by the army"

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Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Drones

IDF admits drone hitting Tel Aviv not downed due to human error

The Air Forces admitted that the drone that hit Tel Aviv was mistakenly not identified as a hostile target, and therefore not identified by the aerial defense system.

JFeed Staff | 19.07.24