Bat-Sheva Nagari

Condolences Times at the Nagari Home
The condolences times at the family home of Bat-Sheva Nagari

The Nagari family and the Ravid family are sitting shiva for Bat-Sheva Nagari, HY"D, who was murdered in the shooting attack in Har Hevron. Starting tomorrow, the families will move from Beit Hagai to Efrat. The times for condolences are as follows

JFeed | 22.08.23

Bereaved Kindergarten Children

Sivan Rahav-Meir: From today there are also bereaved kindergarten children

They called her "Bat Sheva" because her parents waited seven years until she was born. She herself also waited years for her own children, and then she brought into her and her husband Eli's home two foster daughters

Sivan Rahav-Meir | 22.08.23

Natan Meir Consoled Bat-Sheva Nagari's Family

Natan Meir is frustrated: "Everything is so unbearable"

Natan Meir, who lost his wife Dafna, Z"L in a terrorist attack in Otniel about seven years ago, went yesterday to console the family of Bat-Sheva Nagari, Z"L, who was tragically killed in the attack in Hebron. He left from there with a painful and disheartened post

Sarit Shefek, Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, Srugim News | 22.08.23

The Two Terrorists were Caught

The civilian counter-terrorism unit caught the two terrorists who carried out the attack on Har Hevron

Civilian counter-terrorism unit arrested the two terrorists in Hebron overnight who carried out the shooting attack in which Bat-Sheva Nagari, HY"D, was murdered, and Aryeh Unger was injured. In the initial investigation, both admitted and surrendered the weapon

Arye Yoeli, Srugim News | 22.08.23

Herzog Responds to Today's Attack

Herzog: "Sending strength to our brothers and sisters in Judea and Samaria"

President of the State, Yitzhak Herzog, expressed sorrow over the attack today in which Bat-Sheva Nagari was murdered: "She was murdered in front of her daughter, it's horrifying and heartbreaking." He also called for bolstering the army and security forces in the fight against terrorism

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 21.08.23