Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

Blame is Solely on Hamas
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu: The Blood is Only on the Hands of Hamas and its Supporters

We must not burden the fighters with even a tiny particle of guilt. The blame is solely on the brutal kidnappers from Hamas and all their supporters.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | 17.12.23

Wedding at the Army Base

The Bride Came to the Base to get Married. Watch

The groom, an officer who replaced another officer who fell in battle, thus canceled their wedding that took place in a base near the front lines. He decided, together with his wife, to add love in order to stop the hatred.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | 17.10.23

Jewish World

In Uniform: Rabbi Shlomo Aviner Encourages Army Rabbinate Soldiers

Rabbi Aviner received a briefing from Lt.-Col. (res.) Rabbi Shmuel Yorman, from the Jewish Consciousness and IDF Fighting Spirit unit.

JFeed | 17.10.23

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

After the Yom Kippur storm: Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu took an unusual step

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu reveals that following the repeated attacks on Judaism in Tel Aviv, he considered leaving Safed and moving there: "It is important for me to be at the heart of what is happening"

JFeed | 28.09.23

Rabbis: "There is No Truth-Seeking"

Zionist Rabbis over the lynching in Binyamin: "There is no truth-seeking here"

A group of Zionist rabbis addressed the lynching in Binyamin and the arrest of the Jewish individual who was saved from the lynching and shot towards one of the Arab assailants. In a statement they issued, they wrote: "There is no search for the truth here, but rather an attempt to appease the international community"

Eliyau Luksenberg, Srugim News | 09.08.23