Ram Ben Barak

Israel-Gaza War
Ram Ben Barak Reverses: It's Good that the Palestinian Authority Will Control Gaza

After proposing a voluntary evacuation of the residents of Gaza, MK Ram Ben Barak changed his mind and said that Lapid's position calling for the transfer of control of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority is a good one: "They would have made Gaza a better place."

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 14.11.23

Israel At War

Smotrich blesses: will bring an end to the suffering and pain of the nations

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich welcomed the initiative of Knesset members Ram Ben Barak and Danny Danon who called for the voluntary evacuation of the residents of Gaza outside the country: "They were a symbol of the desire to destroy Israel"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 14.11.23

Running against Lapid

First MK to announce: Running against Lapid for party leadership

Member of Knesset Ram Ben Barak announced his intention to run for the leadership of the "Yesh Atid" party against Yair Lapid, stating, "I congratulate the party leader, MK Yair Lapid, on his decision"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 02.10.23

MK from Yesh Atid Criticize Netanyahu

MK from Yesh Atid: "Netanyahu causes more damage than the Iranians"

Ram Ben Barak this morning harshly criticized Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, saying that he causes more damage than the Iranians: "At least we know how to deal with them"

JFeed | 08.08.23