
IDF, Reservists, Israel-Gaza War
IDF will not pay for cameras to secure  soldiers in Gaza - Here's what to know

Reservists fighting in the Strip want to install cameras around captured buildings so they can see if a terrorist is approaching or emerging from a tunnel. The IDF has refused.

Gila Isaacson | 23.07.24

Police, Fraud, Forgery

IDF reserve officer arrested for allegedly forging military ID Cards for Palestinians 

Authorities apprehended a 45-year-old IDF lieutenant colonel in the reserves for reportedly printing fake military employee identity cards, facilitating the illegal residence of six Palestinian family members from Tulkarm in Israel

Gila Isaacson | 22.07.24

IDF, Ultra Orthodox, Mandatory Military Service

IDF has issued 1,000 call-up orders to Ultra- Orthodox men 

IDF issues first wave of draft notices to Ultra-Orthodox men, amid pushback from religious leaders and cautious approach by military officials.

Gila Isaacson | 21.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza war, statistics

Disheartening numbers: IDF reveals 9,250 soldiers have been injured since start of war

The Defence Ministry have reported a set of grim statistics on the war's impact on those serving, since the beginning of the war in Gaza last year.

Eliana Fleming | 09.07.24

Israel war, reservists, student grant

Reservist Students didn't Receive the promised grant from the Government

False assurances; reservist students who were promised a stipend for their service to the country and sacrifice of their academics, were hit with disappointment when they discovered yesterday they have not received the automatic grant. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 03.07.24

IDF war in Gaza, Israel-Hamas war

IDF in crisis situation: record number of officers request retirement

Over recent months there has been a dramatic increase in the number of IDF officers seeking to retire from service, according to Channel 12 reports.

Eliana Fleming | 01.07.24

IDF, reserve duty

IDF's oldest reservist receives promotion

96-year-old Lehi fighter Ezra Yakhin has been elevated to the rank of Command Sergeant Major, Israel National News outlet reports. At 96 years old, Ezra Yakhin, who served in Lehi before Israel was established, is currently fulfilling reserve duty in the IDF.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 20.06.24

IDF, Military Service

The next uproar? The government to discuss an increase in the length of  reservist military service

Minister of Defense Yoav Galant's proposal to prolong reserve service for soldiers and officers to be reviewed. 

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 14.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

A northern war in the fall? Government approves callup of up to 350,000 reservists

The government has approved Defense Minister Gallant's proposal to conduct a callup of up to 350,000 reservists by August 31.

Avi Woolf | 05.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF to call up two reserve brigades for "operational missions" in the Gaza Sector in the next few days

This announcement comes after the IDF had previously removed almost all its maneuvering forces from the Gaza Strip itself.

Avi Woolf | 14.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, IDF

Proposed Amended Draft Law to Extend IDF Service to Three Full Years, Lengthen Reserve Duty Period

Reserve service periods, previously drawn down over the past few decades, will now range between about a month and a half to two and a half months a year.

Avi Woolf | 07.02.24

Reserve Soldiers, New School Year

Amazing Statistic: How Many Students are now Serving in the Reserves?

Against the background of the insistence on opening the academic school year, the Knesset revealed the number of reservists registered in the various institutions and the fact that half of the combat reservists are students.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Israel News

Drivers' Licenses Extended Due to War

The Transportation Minister extended the temporary order extending the validity of licenses which expired in the last few weeks.

JFeed | 07.11.23