The Clause of Reasonability

Yes Atid Answers the Likud
Yes Atid answers the Likud: "The people are the sovereign, not the government"

After the Likud issued a statement against the Supreme Court judges, Yesh Atid retorted: "The people are the authority, not the government." The opposition party added and emphasized: "Another proof that the ruling party has lost its commitment to democratic values"

JFeed | 12.09.23

"A Red Line That Must Not be Crossed"

Likud responds to the High Court: "a red line that must not be crossed"

Likud issued a statement during the ongoing discussion in the Supreme Court (High Court of Justice), once again clarifying their strong stance before the judges. The Likud emphasized, "If the court annuls this fundamental law, it will undermine the foundation of democracy"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

The Legal Reform

Watch the live broadcast: the High Court discusses the cancellation of the probable cause law

Historically, all 15 judges of the High Court gathered for a dramatic discussion on the question of whether to invalidate the "Basic Law: The Judiciary" amendment, regarding the reduction of the reason for reasonableness. Watch the live broadcast

JFeed | 12.09.23

Harsh Statement

After Shikma Bressler: another protest leader with a harsh statement

The left-wing activist Costa Black, known as one of the leaders of the protest organization, Wake-up Israel (kumiiisrael), provided another shocking statement, telling Sarah Struck: "To compare scum like you to Nazis, is to insult them." The minister has not yet responded

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 10.09.23

Results of a New Political Poll

New Poll: Majority of the Public Opposes a Unity Government

The Israeli Voice Index for the month of July 2023 updates that the political divide among the people is deepening and reveals significant disparities in the perception of reality between coalition and opposition voters in most areas

JFeed | 08.08.23

Netanyahu Interviewed Abroad

Another interview abroad: Netanyahu again refused to say whether he would obey the High Court

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu again avoided answering if he would comply with the High Court's ruling that would invalidate the law to reduce the Clause of Reasonability, saying in an interview with NBC that he "hopes they don't invalidate the law"

JFeed | 01.08.23