War in the South

Herzog Visits the Wounded: Our Nation Will Fight to Victory

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog visited Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva: "No-one can defeat us. I know it's hard, when you meet the medical staff, the families see what a nation is."

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23

Achievement for the Navy

The flotilla fighters captured a senior naval officer in Gaza

Achievement for the Navy. The IDF spokesperson updated this evening that fighters from Shayetet 13 (Israeli naval commando unit) captured in captivity the deputy commander of the Southern Division in the Gaza naval force, Mohammad Abu A'ali

JFeed | 08.10.23

More than 700 Dead

The numbers are rising: more than 700 dead; 2156 wounded

With the entry of forces into the settlements in the Gaza Strip envelope, the number of casualties rises to more than 700. 2,156 injured individuals have been hospitalized since the beginning of the attack. Additionally, around 150 captives are held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip

JFeed | 08.10.23

The IDF Attacked

Watch: The IDF strongly attacks Beit Hanoun in Gaza

The IDF attacked terror targets and an operational tunnel in the Beit Hanoun neighborhood. An IDF spokesperson issued a statement in which they said, "We are clearing the area and striking terrorists wherever they are found. There is still an enemy in the area"

JFeed | 08.10.23

"The Area is Being Cleared"

IDF spokesman: The area is being cleared, there are still enemy forces in the area

The spokesman referred to the fighting and said that the IDF destroyed 800 targets in Gaza, "we took dozens of terrorists captive even in the last hours", he added that the Chief of Staff works around the clock to protect the citizens of Israel and will speak to the public later

JFeed | 08.10.23

Ben-Gvir's Response

Ben-Gvir in his first response to the war in the south

Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir commented on the tough war in the south: "Now is not the time for questions, investigations, and inquiries. There will be time for all of that later; right now, it's a time for war and victory"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 08.10.23

"We Will Win This War"

Netanyahu: We will win this war, but the price is too heavy to bear

The Prime Minister stated in a press release that this morning innocent civilians, including children and the elderly, were killed. In response, the IDF has initiated a war, but the war will be difficult and will take time. President Biden expresses support for all actions taken by Israel

JFeed | 07.10.23

The Commissioner Requests

Commissioner: "Avoid spreading false information"

Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai has requested the public to follow the Home Front Command's instructions and refrain from spreading false information and videos, stating that they can create unnecessary panic in the public

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 07.10.23

A Situation Report

The IDF spokesman confirms: Hamas kidnapped civilians to Gaza

The IDF spokesperson provided a situation report for the fighting in the south, confirming casualties and captives. The objective is to regain control of the area, eliminate militants, and secure communities. The IDF is prepared for any scenario in the north as well

JFeed | 07.10.23

World Leaders Stand by Israel

Herzog spoke with world leaders: standing by Israel

Following the fighting in the south, the President of the country, Isaac Herzog, spoke with world leaders who sought to condemn the attack by Hamas: "Israel has the right to defend itself, and we will assist it as much as possible"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 07.10.23