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Fire in Crown Heights Brooklyn
Refuah Shlemah

Trapped in the flames: Yeshiva student fights for his life

After 20 agonizing minutes in a burning Brooklyn apartment, a 20-year-old from Lod shows signs of recovery.

Avi Nachmani
Benzion Miller

Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Famous cantor Benzion Miller dies

Gila Isaacson
'Miriam' restaurant in Brooklyn


Vandals target Brooklyn's upscale restaurant 'Miriam' – but the owner is staying open anyway

Gila Isaacson
image of something

Antisemitism running rampant

Israeli struck in California hit-and-run

Avi Nachmani
Shahana Hanif

NYC Council Race Heats Up

NEW YORK: Maya Kornberg takes on Antisemite Shahana Hanif in Brooklyn's 39th District

Gila Isaacson
Yoav Gallant thanks Chabad Shulchim at the annual Chabad Kinnus

What would we do without Chabad?

From Israel's War Room to 770: Yoav Gallant goes to Brooklyn to thank Chabad emissaries

Gila Isaacson
United Nations Security Council

The UN - United against Israel

UN Security Council set to vote on Gaza ceasefire

Avi Nachmani
Screenshot of CCTV footage posted by Shomrim CH showing attempted kidnapping

Hold on tight to your kids in Brooklyn

In broad daylight: Masked man tries to kidnap Orthodox boy in Crown Heights | WATCH

Avi Nachmani1
Brush fire in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

NYC under drought watch

Over 100 FDNY firefighters battle rare Prospect Park blaze 

Gila Isaacson
Crown Heights

Time to bring back the JDL?

Jewish teen attacked on way to school in Brooklyn

Avi Nachmani1
Bookseller in Crown Heights

Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Anti-Semitism

Crown Heights driver detained after violent assault on Jewish teen

Avi Nachmani
Tomer Blechman

Israeli Chef, Tomer Blechman, Brooklyn

Brooklyn’s Israeli food revolution: Tomer Blechman expands his restaurant empire 

Avi Nachmani
Flatbush Shomrim's safety patrol emblem

Robbery, Tefilin, Shomrim

FOILED BY SHOMRIM AND NYPD: Woman who stole tefillin in Flatbush was caught, tefilin safely returned

Gila Isaacson
Chabad headquarters in Brooklyn

Chabad, Brooklyn, Terror Attack

Young Haredi man stabbed near Chabad headquarters by man shouting: "Free Palestine"

Avi Nachmani
The Brooklyn Museum

Brooklyn Musuem, Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism rising: Suspect charged for vandalizing Brooklyn Museum director’s home

Avi Nachmani1
Illustrative: Fear


Scary: Antisemitic 'Hamas truck' threatens Jewish community in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Gila Isaacson3
The traditional picture at the Beit Midrash of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Chabad's Traditional Picture

To the Right of the Rebbe: Thousands of Chabad Emissaries in the Traditional Picture

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff1