
Moving Meeting
Moving: Father Meets His Paratrooper Son and Bursts into Tears

A fighter from a paratrooper battalion met his father after 75 days and the meeting between them did not leave a single dry eye. At the meeting, the father hugged his son and asked God that all the soldiers would return safely.

| Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 21.12.23

Israel - Gaza War

Gallant to the White House Envoy: "The Operation in Gaza Will Not Stop"

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met with the White House envoy to the Middle East, Brett McGurk, and emphasized to him that the fighting in Gaza will not stop, until the returned of the abductees and the  elimination of Hamas. The two discussed the subject of the abductees and humanitarian aid.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 15.11.23


A nighttime reconciliation meeting between Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a private meeting with Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, after the minister was not initially invited to a security discussion earlier in the week. The meeting was held in an effort to calm the crisis amidst the disagreements between the two

JFeed | 03.10.23

Netanyahu And Musk

And how Musk responded: that's what Netanyahu called Elon Musk. watch

During his meeting with Elon Musk, Netanyahu addressed him as the unofficial president of the United States. And how did Musk respond? watch

JFeed | 18.09.23