Moving Meeting

Moving: Father Meets His Paratrooper Son and Bursts into Tears

A fighter from a paratrooper battalion met his father after 75 days and the meeting between them did not leave a single dry eye. At the meeting, the father hugged his son and asked God that all the soldiers would return safely.

(Photo: Dotan Vaknin)

After 75 days of fighting, a fighter from a paratrooper battalion left Gaza and came to meet his father. The video in which the son is seen surprising his father, captured the web and the sight of the ultra-Orthodox father hugging his son for several minutes in a row and being moved along with him - did not leave a single dry eye.

The meeting of the father with his son (Video: Dotan Vaknin)

In the video, the father is seen looking at his son and thanking God: "Blessed is the good and the benevolent, what a pleasure you are here with us, healthy and whole. May God keep all our soldiers safe and sound and may they all return safe and sound to their father and mother."

As a reminder, after 75 days of fighting and 6 weeks of being inside Gaza, the fighters of the paratrooper brigade went out this week to refresh themselves in the city of the training bases in the south.

After monitoring the IDF's statements to the families of the paratroopers and raising the issue repeatedly, the IDF spokesman was asked about the delay in the departure of the fighters. According to him, "We made a mistake, and we need to correct it. On the other hand, we are in the middle of a war and there are operational constraints, the main of which is the security of our fighters.

"There was a message from Southern Command that the paratroopers went out to freshen up, but again I say this subject to the operational conditions. We will try to ensure that the fighters get what they need, including the strength and energy from home."


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Brave family!
Mother of a young boy 21.12.23

IDF Spokesman's Comments

IDF Spokesman on the Paratroopers: We Made a Mistake and We will Correct it

Brigadier General Daniel Hagari commented on the delay in letting the paratrooper brigade out for a refreshment after 75 consecutive days of fighting: "We made a mistake, we will fix it"; on the leaking of the quotes from the cabinet: "damaging the strength of the state."

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 19.12.23

Week of Battles

Watch: Paratroopers in a Week of Battles in Zeytun and Shejaiya

The paratroopers haven't gone home for more than two months, and in a week of fighting in the heart of the Zeytun and Shajaiya neighborhoods, they managed to encounter terrorists, expose and destroy tunnels, lathes for the production of rockets and ammunition.

JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Paratroopers Battle Team Attacked

Watch: The Paratroopers Blow Up the Hamas Intelligence Headquarters

The fighters of the paratroopers battle team attacked the Tel El Ava neighborhood. In addition the fighters raided the Gaza City Brigade post and the Hamas military intelligence office. View the documentation.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 22.11.23

Six People Saved

The Fallen Fighter Saved Six People After his Death

The late paratrooper Yehonatan Yitzhak Samo was seriously injured in a battle in the center of the Gaza Strip and was transferred to Beilinson Hospital. The doctors fought for his life and in the end he was declared brain dead. His organs saved no less than six people.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.11.23

Israel - Gaza War

Gallant to the White House Envoy: "The Operation in Gaza Will Not Stop"

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met with the White House envoy to the Middle East, Brett McGurk, and emphasized to him that the fighting in Gaza will not stop, until the returned of the abductees and the  elimination of Hamas. The two discussed the subject of the abductees and humanitarian aid.

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