
A Mercedes from Mohammed bin Salman
A boy asked for a Mercedes from Mohammed bin Salman, here's what happened

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met Saudi citizens on the way out of a series of meetings when a young boy asked him for a Mercedes car, a day later a surprise was waiting for the boy in front of his home

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

Netanyahu And Musk

And how Musk responded: that's what Netanyahu called Elon Musk. watch

During his meeting with Elon Musk, Netanyahu addressed him as the unofficial president of the United States. And how did Musk respond? watch

JFeed | 18.09.23

Birth Registration Data 5783

Tel Aviv is only in third place: where were the most babies born in Israel in 5783?

The Population and Immigration Authority publishes the birth registration data for the year 5783, with Jerusalem, Bnei Brak and Tel Aviv at the top of the list

JFeed | 18.09.23

A River of Wine

Watch: A river of wine was created in Portugal as a result of an accident in a winery

A workplace accident at a wine storage site resulted in the spillage of two industrial wine containers. The wine flooded the town of Anadia in Portugal and created wine rivers on the city's roads

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

An Amusing Incident

The amusing incident of a 'Kan 11' news journalist in the supermarket

Michael Shemesh, a Kan 11 Channel journalist, shared a funny incident that happened when he went to the supermarket and wanted to buy a beer: "I couldn't prove to her and the manager in any way that I was over 18"

JFeed | 07.09.23

"I Will Never Do This Again"

The left wing activist regrets: An inappropriate act; very ashamed of myself

After sparking significant anger following a picture he posted on his Twitter account, the left wing activist, Uri Breitman, deleted the tweet, clarified, and issued an apology: "I will never do this again"

JFeed | 07.09.23

Treating Mosquito Bites

Mosquito Day: recommended alternative remedies for itchy bites

When summer arrives, so do the mosquitoes and the unbearable itching of their bites, and all we want to do is scratch them. In honor of "Mosquito Day," we have gathered ten alternative remedies for relieving the pain and irritation of mosquito bites.

Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, Srugim News | 20.08.23

Heavy Hail in Italy

Madness: at the height of summer, heavy hail washes over Italy

Hailstorms, flooding, and landslides, the weather in several European countries is turbulent and causing damage to life and property. In Slovenia, six people lost their lives. In the Venice region, a hailstorm raged, covering an entire area

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 08.08.23

Using WhatsApp

The Ten Commandments for WhatsApp messaging.

Don't call randomly on WhatsApp, especially not with video, and don't expect an immediate response to your message. Or Yizraeli with the Ten Commandments for WhatsApp messaging

Or Yizraeli | 08.08.23

Shoham: Snake Dies from Quills

Unusual incident: snake tries to eat hedgehog - and dies from the quills

Unusual incident was documented in the Shoham area, as a black snake was spotted with a hedgehog in its mouth. According to the Nature and Parks Authority, it is estimated that the snake tried to prey on the hedgehog but died after being unable to remove the quills

JFeed | 07.08.23

60 NIS Wedding Dress

It's possible: The bride who bought a wedding dress at SHEIN

Have you always dreamed of a comfortable and beautiful wedding dress without emptying your bank account? Meet Elisheva Solomon, the bride who bought her wedding dress from the SHEIN website

Keshet Bergson, Srugim News | 27.07.23

Fairy Tale Love Story

Love has no age | The couple who married at the age of 90

Yevgeny and Riva's fairy tale love story: they first met as neighbors in the city of Safed and deepened their acquaintance while working together in the city. Last month, after Yevgeny celebrated his 90th birthday, he proposed to Riva (83) to marry him. The couple got married according to religious and legal customs last month.

Keshet Bergson, Srugim News | 27.07.23