Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff

Israeli Elections, Naftali Bennett
Naftali Bennett announces return to politics: "We'll do it again"

Three years after being sworn in as Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett announces his return to political life: "We will yet establish a state worthy of our people."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 13.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages

Released for publication: IDF extracts another three bodies of hostages from Gaza

The bodies of three of those taken hostage to Gaza were taken back to Israel last night: Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum, and Orion Hernandez.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 24.05.24

Memorial Day

Smotrich: I take responsibility for Hamas massacre

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich commemorated Memorial Day at the Ofakim cemetery and told onlookers that he takes responsibility for the events of October 7th.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 13.05.24

Hostage Crisis

Netanyahu: This is how Hamas torpedoed the hostage deal

Netanyahu referred to reports that his statements thwarted a hostage release: "The claim that I am the one who sabotaged the deal is a complete lie and a deliberate deception of the public."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 06.05.24

Rioting in Jerusalem

"Jewish-Palestinian:" Police befuddled by protester's ID

A protester arrested during a violent disturbance presented the police with an identity card that left them stunned.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 10.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Iraq

Released for publication: drone launched from Iraq strikes Eilat building

A hostile aircraft launched from Iran managed to penetrate Israel's air defenses and cause light damage to a structure. No casualties were reported.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 01.04.24

Temple Mount

On Ben Gvir's watch:  Temple Mount to be closed to Jews for 16 days

The Temple Mount will be closed to Jews for the longest period in recent years. Head of Jewish rights organization: "right-wing surrender to terrorism."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 27.03.24

Israel-Gaza War

Son is born to fallen religious Zionist soldier

Sgt.-Maj. Yedidiah Eliyahu from Karnei Shomron fell a month into the war. Today, his wife announced the birth of their son.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 02.03.24

Hostages, Bibas Family

Bibas family relatives respond to footage of the family taken hostage: "monstrous evil"

Relatives of the Bibas family responded to the footage released by the IDF showing their being kidnapped by Hamas: "to kidnap children is a crime against humanity and a war crime."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages

IDF releases new footage from Rafah hostage rescue | Watch

The IDF released new footage from the daring rescue of Luis Har and Fernando Merman from captivity in Rafah. Watch:

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.02.24

Fighting in the North

Following increased rocket fire from Lebanon: IDF closes roads in northern Israel

Following a situation assessment conducted this morning, the IDF announced the closure of several roads and traffic routes "until further notice." 

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages

Activists and Families of Hostages Continue to Block Aid to Gaza

Activists of the Order Nine movement arrived at Kerem Shalom crossing to block aid going into Gaza. Watch: 

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 26.01.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF and Shin Bet Spokesperson Announce Elimination of Terrorists

Cooperation between ground, air, and naval forces led to the elimination of armed terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.01.24

Israel-Gaza War

Dozens of October 7 Terrorists Eliminated in Gaza | Watch

The IDF eliminated dozens of terrorists in Khan Yunis and Maghazi, including a Nukhba force commander. 

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 12.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

The IDF Fighters' Tactic Against the Eliminated Terrorists in Gaza. Watch:

Last night in Bureij and Khan Yunis. Neutralizing a terrorist cell and destroying several launch positions targeting the homeland. The soldiers' tactic against the terrorists: They waited for them to enter one building, and they were eliminated. Watch:

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 05.01.24

Face-to-Face Battles

Dramatic Footage: Givati ​​Fighters in a Face-to-Face Battle in Gaza

Face-to-face battles, terrorists from October 7 surrender to IDF forces, exposure of explosives, locating shafts and a raid on a Hamas outpost; watch the activity of Givati ​​fighters in Khan Yunis.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 02.01.24

Special Prayer at the Western Wall

Chief Rabbis of Israel in a Call to the Public

The chief rabbis of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and Rabbi David Lau, call to participate in a prayer meeting at the Western Wall that will be held on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Shvat.

| Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

"I Sobered Up"

The Ultra-Orthodox Leftist Admits: "After 7/10 I Sobered Up"

The ultra-Orthodox jurist, media personality Dov Halbertal, admits in a short conversation that after October 7th he sobered up: "I was one of the leaders of the concept to give Hamas everything so that Gaza would become Singapore."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

IDF has Gained Operational Control

Watch: The IDF has Gained Operational Control of the Shejaiya Neighborhood

Division 36 completed the phase of disbanding Hamas' core capabilities in Shejaiya - an operational hold on the neighborhood was achieved; Commander of Division 36: "You fought like lions in brotherhood and bravery with the spirit of the people at your back and you at the head of your fighters."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 21.12.23


Rabbi Meir Mazuz: It is a Mitzvah that Yeshiva Boys Visit the Wounded

Rabbi Meir Mazuz on the words of Rabbi Dov Lando, according to which yeshiva students should not comfort the mourners or visit the wounded: "In my opinion, it is a mitzvah to go to comfort, why not?"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.12.23