Yet another Columbia Pali rally

Columbia students plan Veterans Day protest honoring "martyrs", condemn U.S. military actions

Apartheid Divest group to hold rally against “American war machine” despite Veterans Day observance.

Columbia University pro-Palestinian rally (Photo: lev radin shutterstock)

Columbia University is facing a storm of controversy over a planned Veterans Day protest by student activists aiming to reframe the holiday as a day to honor Palestinian casualties in Gaza, according to a report by The New York Post.

An unofficial student group, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, distributed flyers around the Morningside Heights campus announcing an unsanctioned protest event on Monday. The flyer expresses opposition to Veterans Day, stating, “Veterans Day is an American holiday to honor the patriotism, love of country, and sacrifice of veterans. We reject this holiday and refuse to celebrate it."

Instead, the flyer declares, “The American war machine should not be honored for the horrors unleashed on others. We will celebrate Martyrs Day in honor of those martyred by the Israel-US war machine, a day to honor the patriotism, love of country, and sacrifice of those martyrs.”

In response, campus veterans are planning their own event to counter the protest. This tension comes as emotions remain high following the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel, which has led to increased hostility toward veterans and student-veterans on campus.

Columbia University, which hosts the largest veterans community among Ivy League schools, addressed the issue through a spokesperson, stating, “We are aware that a small group has called for a demonstration tomorrow, and our public safety team is monitoring for any disruptions to campus activity. As always, we are committed to preserving our core mission to teach, create, and advance knowledge.”


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