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Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Eliezer Botzer, religious singer and activist, dies in car accident

Botzer produced three albums, including a number of single hits. He also established kiruv centers in India which helped Israelis suffering from drugs or accidents.

Eliezer Botzer ob"m.
Photo: Srugim

Religious singer and activist Eliezer Botzer died suddenly today (Friday) following a vehicular accident during his reserve service, at the age of 43.

Botzer was known as an "eclectic" singer and had a secular following, according to the Jerusalem Post, and had put out three albums before he died, including some hits.

During his time in India, he established kiruv and treatment centers for Israelis who suffered from the effects of drug use and car accidents during their time in the country.

He leaves a wife and eight children.

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