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The world's least antisemitic nation: Guess who tops the list 

In a candid discussion, Taiwan's representative to Israel, Ya-Ping Lee, shares why Taiwanese culture aligns so closely with Israel's spirit.

Taiwan (Photo: kazu8/ Shutterstock)

Taiwan, a nation of 23.5 million, is home to only about 700 Jews. Yet, it stands out as one of the least, if not the least, antisemitic countries in the world.

“We are very honored to say that Taiwan is the least antisemitic country in the world,” said Ya-Ping (Abby) Lee, representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv, during an appearance on the ILTV News Podcast.

While there is no official global ranking for antisemitism levels, Israel’s National Security Council travel risk map consistently rates Taiwan as a “green zone,” signaling zero risk for Jews or Israelis traveling to the country.

Taiwan has also earned recognition for its dedication to Holocaust education, receiving a symbolic badge of honor from a former Israeli ambassador for its efforts to integrate this vital history into its curriculum and wider cultural understanding.

Although Jewish presence in Taiwan has likely existed intermittently throughout history, the community gained a significant milestone in 2021 with the opening of the country’s first synagogue in Taipei. The synagogue and cultural center have become a vital hub for Jewish residents, travelers, and locals curious about Jewish traditions. Highlights include a museum showcasing ancient Jewish artifacts found in the region and a kosher restaurant that uniquely blends Jewish and Taiwanese culinary traditions.

Taiwan’s predominant religions - Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity - foster a cultural environment of respect and harmony. This, coupled with its openness to learning about and embracing Jewish history and customs, cements Taiwan’s place as an unexpected yet inspiring ally to the Jewish people.

* Ynet contributed to this article.


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