"Pressure on Hamas is Working"

Families of the Abductees: it has been Proven that the Pressure on Hamas is Working

The Tikva Forum, which unites families of abductees, says that the main culprit in the tragedy that happened in Gaza is Hamas; In addition, they say that the escape of the abductees proves that the pressure is working.

IDF fighters in Gaza (IDF spokesman)

The Tikva Forum, which unites families of abductees, commented on the tragic incident in which three abductees were killed by IDF fire: "The mistake is tragic and shocking and needs to be investigated - but the main culprit is Hamas."

"The thought of the heroic boys who survived two months in the captivity of the Hamas murderers and precisely when they were so close to returning to their families were killed due to such a tragic, shocking mistake, the mistake should be investigated," said the families. "We offer our condolences to our dear friend Iris Haim, and to the Shamriz and Talalka families, for the death of the sons Yotam, Alon and Samer in the tragic event" they added.

However, the Tikva forum points out that "the main culprit in the terrible event is Hamas who kidnapped, tortured and murdered the best of our sons and daughters. The blood of the abductees who were killed last night is on the hands of Hamas. It is the one who caused the event and it is the one who has to pay the price." In addition, the families noted the impossible reality in which our soldiers operate in Gaza against a cruel enemy who uses Hebrew-speaking booby-trapped dolls and constantly tries to draw them into booby-trapped ambushes.

"The pressure on Hamas allowed the hostages to escape"

In addition, the families say that beyond the terrible tragedy, the incident actually shows that the pressure on Hamas made it possible for the abductees to escape. "We estimate that what made the boys' escape possible was the military pressure exerted on the terrorists. There is no other reason why the kidnappers would have given up such an important asset. The tragedy that occurred, which is unbearably difficult, did not undermine the principle that continued pressure on Hamas, military and political, is what will lead to liberation of the abductees."

In relation to the pressure exerted against the cabinet demanding a deal now, the Tikva forum raises the concern that "the pressure and demonstrations will actually increase the price of any future deal and push the possibility of the release of the abductees further away." The forum mentions the discourse on the Arab networks in Gaza, that received a boost today from the harsh reactions in Israel to the incident, where they expressed hope that the pressure would lead to the stopping of the war and the massive release of terrorists, as well as the psychological warfare of Hamas which is increasing tonight.

The Tikva Forum sent a letter to the Prime Minister today stating that "a deal in a hurry and a demand for the mass release of murderers endangers the lives of the abductees, delays their release and endangers all the citizens of Israel." In a letter that was also sent to the members of the cabinet, the families reinforced the members of the cabinet and the line they are taking, according to which the pressure on Hamas is what will lead to the release of the abductees, and asked the prime minister to give expression to this voice of the families.

In conclusion, the families wish to thank the IDF soldiers "who risk their lives even in these moments to return the abductees and to restore security in this very moral and just war."


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