Man run over while running for cover from rockets

WATCH: Man hit by a car while running to bomb shelter during the siren in Bnei Brak 

As sirens were activated throughout the centre of Israel including Bnei Brak, residents were seen running to shelter. One video captures the moment a Haredi man is running to safety but is hit by a car. Video attacked. 

Screenshot from video showing the man who was ran over on way to bomb shelter

Following the siren that was activated in the Gush Dan area, a Hasidic man was recorded exiting a store in Bnei Brak and running to the protected area. However, during the run, he crossed the road and was hit by a passing vehicle. Seconds later, he got up and hurried, limping, to the protected area.

The video is being shared throughout social media showing the chaos that air raid sirens cause and the stress of citizens running to shelters in time. There are no follow up reports on the man or his injuries from being run over by a car.

Video show man who was run over while woman walks away and car continues unfazed. (Photo: Security cameras outside the store)


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