Naftali Bennett at all time high in Israel's Government 

Mandate poll: Naftali Bennett at a peak of mandates

A new mandate poll shows that the Likud party, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, has weakened by two mandates. In a scenario where Naftali Bennett runs, the former Prime Minister receives a record number of mandates.

Naftali Bennett (Photo: Ari Dudkevitch/Flash90)

A new mandate poll shows that the Likud party, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, has weakened by two mandates. In a scenario where Naftali Bennett runs, the former Prime Minister receives a record number of mandates.

According to the poll conducted by 'Lazar Research' for the 'Maariv' website, if the elections were held today, the distribution of mandates would look like this: Likud 22 mandates (24 in the previous poll), the National Unity Party 19 (19), Yesh Atid 15 (15), Yisrael Beiteinu 14 (14), the Democrats 12 (11), Shas 9 (9), United Torah Judaism 8 (7), Otzma Yehudit 7 (7), Hadash-Ta'al 5 (5), Ra'am 5 (5), and Religious Zionism 4. (4).

The National Religious Party (1.9%) and Balad (2%) continue to remain below the electoral threshold.

According to the division into blocs: the coalition bloc has 50 mandates, compared to 51 in the previous survey. The opposition bloc strengthens by one mandate – to 60. The Arab parties receive 10 mandates.

In a scenario where Naftali Bennett runs in the elections, the distribution map of the mandates would look like this: A party led by Naftali Bennett 27 (25), Likud 20 (21), the National Unity Party 13 (13), Yesh Atid 11 (12), the Democrats 10 (9), Shas 8 (8), United Torah Judaism 7 (8), Yisrael Beiteinu 7 (7), Otzma Yehudit 7 (7), Hadash-Ta'al 5 (5), Ra'am 5. (5).

In such a scenario, Netanyahu's coalition has 42 mandates, compared to 44 in the previous poll, and the opposition-Bennett bloc strengthens by 2 mandates to 68.

The Arab parties receive 10 mandates. Religious Zionism (2.5%), the National Right (1.4%), and Balad (2.1%) – below the electoral threshold.


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