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Herzi Halevi's Unforgivable Betrayal

How Herzi Halevi Left Israel Defenseless on Its Darkest Day

As Hamas terrorists streamed unopposed into Israeli territory and children made their final phone calls from hiding places, the mighty IDF that Halevi built sat paralyzed by his catastrophic leadership. And things didn't get any better for the next 16 months, with the graves of his failures filling the soil of the south.

Herzi Halevi
Photo: AI generated

Where was Herzi Halevi on October 7th? As Hamas terrorists paraglided unchallenged into sovereign Israeli territory, as communities along the Gaza border desperately called for help that wouldn't come for hours, where was the man entrusted with Israel's security?

The brutal truth is that while Israeli civilians were being hunted in their homes, while young people at a music festival were being massacred, while families in their safe rooms made their final phone calls - Israel's top general was asleep at the wheel. His forces were scattered, his command structure was in chaos, and his response was paralyzed.

The numbers tell a damning story: It took over three hours for the IDF to mount any significant response. THREE HOURS. While terrorists roamed freely through Israeli communities, while mothers hid with their children in attics and shelters, while Hamas maniacs burned families alive and mutilated corpses, while soldiers at their posts were overwhelmed and killed, Halevi's mighty army was nowhere to be found.

But it gets worse. When Halevi finally emerged to face the nation, his response was a masterclass in bureaucratic cowardice. No immediate resignation. No acceptance of personal responsibility. Instead, we got carefully worded statements about "investigating" and "learning lessons" - as if the slaughter of over 1,200 Israelis was some kind of professional development opportunity.

The operational failures under his watch are almost too numerous to list:

- Border defenses were left undermanned on a high-risk holiday

- Critical intelligence warnings were ignored

- Multiple communities radioed for help that never came

- Attack helicopters took hours to arrive

- Reserve units weren't mobilized until it was far too late

- Command and control systems completely collapsed

Even after the immediate catastrophe, Halevi's leadership continued to fail. His resistance to an external investigation speaks volumes. While Hamas still holds hostages - including elderly women and children - Halevi seemed more concerned with protecting his reputation than completing the mission.

Ant then, as if that wasn't bad enough, the same man who failed to protect Israeli citizens oversaw promotions and appointments within the IDF. Officers who were directly responsible for October 7th's security failures were shuffled around rather than held accountable. It's a slap in the face to every family that lost loved ones due to his incompetence.

Herzi Halevi didn't just fail at his job - he failed the basic covenant between the IDF and the Israeli people.

The Israeli people deserve better than a general who was caught unprepared, responded too late, and only now, when the trail of dead soldiers and citizens follows him all the way to Gaza, does he truly face the consequences of his failures. Herzi Halevi's legacy will forever be written in the blood of those he failed to protect on October 7th - and that stain will never wash away.

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