Iran, Israel
FM Katz on IAEA resolution holding Iran to international obligations: "The free world must stop Iran now – before it's too late"

Foreign Minister Israel Katz welcomed the resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors demanding Iran adhere to its international obligations regarding nuclear development.

Avi Woolf | 05.06.24

Iran Bans Inspectors

Unprecedented: Iran bans the activities of nuclear inspectors

The International Atomic Energy Agency has announced that Iran has decided to ban the activities of nuclear inspectors. "Breaches all its obligations and intends to arm itself with nuclear weapons"

JFeed | 17.09.23

The Holiday News

The Holiday news: Iran expelled inspectors; The IDF attacked in the Gaza Strip

Holiday news: The International Atomic Energy Agency announced that Iran has decided to ban the activities of a third of the nuclear inspectors; The IDF attacked a Hamas military position; UNESCO announced a "Palestinian heritage site"

JFeed | 17.09.23