Idit Silman

Meeting with Mothers of Abductees
Rebbetzins from the Religious Zionist Community Met with Mothers of Abductees

Rebbetzins from the religious Zionist community met with the mothers and wives of the abductees' families alongside minister Idit Silman, they shared their feelings in the face of the war and formulated methods of action in the nation for connection and unity.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 04.01.24

The Incapacity Law

"Unwilling to Accept": Ministers Opposed to the Debate in the High Court on the incapacity law

The ministers referred to the hearing that will be held tomorrow at the High Court and will deal with the incapacity law, Silman: "Judges will sit and decide whether to throw 2.5 million votes in the trash", Minister Karai: "We are not ready to accept this."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

Fighting the Climate Crisis

Fighting the climate crisis: a memorandum of understanding was signed between Israel and the USA

An agreement on environmental and climate issues was signed between Israel and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Among other things, the agreement focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Minister Idit Silman stated, "We aspire to cooperate with regional countries"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Idit Silman

Silman: 'What I saw a year and a half ago, today is seen clearly.'

Minister Silman bashed the left-wing activists who are protesting against Netanyahu in the US, and referred to her involvement in the overthrow of the previous government: "For those who wondered why I overthrew the left-wing government then, so what I saw a year and a half ago - everyone sees clearly today."

Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed | 18.09.23

The Climate Law

The Climate Law was approved by the ministerial committee for legislative affairs

The Climate Law has been approved by the Ministerial Committee on Legislation. It will enshrine the national target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030. Minister of Environmental Protection Idit Silman said, "The law will serve as an engine and economic growth catalyst"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Silman Criticizes

Idit Silman criticizes: It was not like that with Bennett and Lapid

Minister Idit Silman criticizes the conduct of the legal advisor to the government, and says that in the Bennett-Lapid government, she was not that dominant: "I didn't know her at all"

JFeed | 07.09.23

The Separate Bathing Pilot is Delayed

"Serious Impact": Silman against the delay of the separate bathing pilot

Minister of Environmental Protection Idit Silman appealed to the Government Legal Advisor, Gali Baharav-Miara, and urged her to make a decision regarding the pilot program for separate bathing in springs. According to her, this involves "a severe impact on the service that can be provided to the Haredi and Arab public"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 09.08.23

Gender-Segregated Swimming in Springs

The minister announced separate swimming in springs. So, what is delaying it?

Minister Idit Silman announced the opening of a pilot that will begin next week in which there will be gender-segregated swimming hours in two springs. The Nature and Parks Authority clarifies: awaiting approval from the Ministry of Justice

Yehuda Klein, Srugim News | 03.08.23