Palestinian Authority

Hamas, Israel, Gaza Strip, leadership, terrorism
Hamas and Israel agreed: this is the man who will control Gaza after the war

According to the report in the Wall Street Journal, officials in the US, Israel and the Arab countries mark the former senior Fatah official, Muhammad Dahlan, as the man who will rule Gaza at the end of the war.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Hamas, Fatah

Hamas snubs reconciliation talks with rival Fatah in Beijing

Here's how Hamas surprised everyone by pulling out of Palestinian reconciliation efforts with Fatah.

Gila Isaacson | 22.07.24

Hostage release, ceasefire deal, Israel-Hamas

Report: Abu Mazen is  Preventing a Deal for the Release of Hostages

The unofficial Palestinian Authority's agreement to control the Rafah crossing was supposed to pave the way for negotiations to release hostages. However, Abu Mazen has refused, and the talks are no longer progressing.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 18.07.24

Palestinian Authority, West bank, Abbas

Opinion: PA losing control of the West Bank

Amid army raids, and money being frozen since October 7th, a deep financial and structural crisis has hit the Palestinian Authority in charge of the West Bank.

Eliana Fleming | 17.07.24

Jenin, Palestinian Authority

Jenin adventure: Two Jews rescued after taking wrong turn

The Palestinian Authority security personnel escorted them and transferred them to Israeli forces.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24

Palestinian Authority, 

PA clashes with Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Tulkarm

Following the wounding of a PIJ terrorist in Tulkarm by PA security forces, the PIJ's "Tulkarm Battalion" threatened that they would open fire on them next time they tried to raid PIJ homes and terrorists.

Avi Woolf | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Palestinian Authority

Watch: Foreign Ministry launches ad campaign against PA rule in Gaza

The campaign, which currently includes digital ads with hundreds of thousands of views, will soon also include official interviews for the media explaining the folly of the move.

Avi Woolf | 17.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Palestinian State

Cabinet set to sanction PA and states which recently recognized Palestinian state

Informed sources say the cabinet is set to vote on a number of sanctions against the Palestinian Authority and states which recently decided to recognize a State of Palestine.

JFeed Staff | 16.06.24

Public opinion, October 7th

96% of Palestinians who didn't watch footage deny October 7th Massacre, the shocking truth revealed

A latest public opinion poll by a Palestinian polling firm reveals 96% of Palestinians who did not watch October 7 footage deny that a massacre took place on October 7th.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 15.06.24

Palestinian Authority, UAE

Report: Senior Emirati source pessimistic about PA reform

According to Kann 11 News reporter Roi Kais, the meeting between the Emirati Foreign Minister and Abu Mazen's adviser was indeed tense.

Avi Woolf | 07.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Likud members to Netanyahu: There is no victory without control of Rafah and other crossings

12 Likud MKs led by Economy Minister Nir Barkat sent a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu opposing reported plans to hand the Rafah crossing over to Palestinian control.

Avi Woolf | 28.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, International Court of Justice

Report: Arab states also welcome ICJ ruling ordering halt to Rafah operations; Saudi Arabia last to do so

Arab countries joined the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in welcoming the International Court of Justice order to cease operations in the southern Gaza Strip.

Avi Woolf | 25.05.24


Free the hostages? Defeat Hamas? How to achieve victory in Gaza

If you want to topple the Hamas government, you have no choice but to replace it with another, which, even if it is not Zionist and loves Israel, isn't as bad as Hamas. Those who oppose this prove that even today they still view Hamas as an asset.

Pasit Siach | 16.05.24

UN, Binyamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu's weak response to anti-Israel UN vote

Following the UN decision to expand the powers of the Palestinian Authority as an observer state, the Prime Minister decided to put a proposal rejecting the decision of the General Assembly to a government vote.

JFeed Staff | 15.05.24

Israel-Gaza War

Israel offered the PA control of the Rafah crossing

Mahmoud Abbas received an offer from Israel and the United States to take control of the Rafah crossing on the Gaza side, but insisted that Israel first agree to a ceasefire and the Arab peace plan.

JFeed Staff | 13.05.24


Report: Terrorist behind last month's attack had served time in Israel

The terrorist who carried out the massive attack 3 weeks ago had previously served as a PA officer and spent two years in an Israeli prison on terrorism charges.

Oz Israel Schwartz, JFeed Staff | 09.05.24

Israel-Gaza War

Axios: Israel threatening to retaliate against Palestinian Authority if ICC issues arrests warrants for senior Israeli leaders

This threat comes due to the PA reportedly pushing the ICC to issue warrants against Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant.

Avi Woolf | 01.05.24

Nir Barkat

Barkat: Palestinian workers must not be returned to the streets 

Following the stabbing attack in Gan Yavneh which was carried out by a terrorist who had previously worked in construction and knew the commercial center, the Minister of Economy called for a continued ban on the entry of Palestinian workers to Israel.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 02.04.24

Palestinian Authority, Terrorism

Report: 3 Israelis killed and 11 wounded in terrorist attacks by Palestinian Authority police officers

Kan 13 reporter Almog Boker posted the numbers on his X account in response to reports of the PA returning to govern in Gaza as a moderate alternative to Hamas.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 31.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

The Day After: Arab states propose stationing forces in Judea and Samaria

As part of a proposed plan for the day after the war ends, Arab states are proposing the stationing of troops in Judea and Samaria - but only as part of the advancement of a two state solution.

JFeed Staff | 30.03.24