Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Israel-Gaza War
Palestinian Islamic Jihad fires rockets at Ashkelon

No casualties have been reported from the attack so far. One rocket has started a fire near Kibbutz Erez.

Avi Woolf | 26.07.24

IDF, IAF, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

IDF eliminates head of Islamic Jihad's naval force

IDF and Shin Bet, in cooperation with the Navy, killed Anas Murad, the head of the naval force of the Palestinian Jihad in Gaza City.

Avi Nachmani, JFeed Staff | 18.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, UNRWA

IDF strikes Hamas base established inside UNRWA school in Nusseirat

The terrorists operating inside the school compound were reportedly using it to plan and execute terror attacks.

Avi Woolf | 16.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF demolishes large Hamas tunnel in Shejaiya

The IDF has located a number of tunnels in Shejaiya, including offensive tunnels near the border and a command and control tunnel used by Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Avi Woolf | 09.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF blows up Islamic Jihad rocket factory

IDF combat soldiers and combat engineers raided a large PIJ base and rocket manufacturing site and blew it up. Watch:

Avi Woolf | 01.07.24

IDF Gaza operation, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Report: Member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) eliminated in Gaza

An Israeli drone targeted a house in the Nour al-Shams refugee camp. The targeting the  commander of the Tulkarm Battalion, Abu Shuja'a, who has been wanted by the IDF for some time. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

Palestinian Authority, 

PA clashes with Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Tulkarm

Following the wounding of a PIJ terrorist in Tulkarm by PA security forces, the PIJ's "Tulkarm Battalion" threatened that they would open fire on them next time they tried to raid PIJ homes and terrorists.

Avi Woolf | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Hamas and PIJ may be able to launch rockets from Judea and Samaria within a year

Senior security officials in the Palestinian Authority believe that at the current rate of arms smuggling, Hamas and PIJ forces will be able to launch Gaza-quality rockets within a year.

Avi Woolf | 27.06.24

IDF, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Teror

Soldier killed, 16 injured in despicable attack by PIJ

Cpt. Alon Sacgiu (22) killed in IED, which was detonated on IDF forces who had come to rescue other troops injured by 1st IED.

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Isreal-Gaza War, IDF, PIJ

Watch: Drone strike kills PIJ operative who worked for Doctors Without Borders.

Al-Wadiya was a busy man. He worked for Doctors without Borders, but he moonlighted as a key figure in Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Gila Isaacson | 26.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Hamas increasingly relying on other terrorist groups to attack IDF

Jerusalem Post reporter Seth Frantzman notes that groups other than Hamas are increasingly taking credit for attacks on IDF soldiers compared to Hamas itself.

Avi Woolf | 18.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF strikes Hamas and PIJ terrorists embedded in UNRWA school in Nusseirat

The IDF took a number of steps to minimize civilian casualties in the strike including aerial surveillance and additional intelligence measures.

Avi Woolf | 06.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF eliminates Islamic Jihad terrorist involved in October 7

As part of its operations in the Zeitoun area, the Nachal brigade also located a significant amount of weapons, including AK-47s and grenades.

Avi Woolf | 11.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

Watch: Tunnels destroyed in Beit Hanoun area

Over the last week, combat engineers and the Netzach Yehudah Battalion destroyed two tunnels belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Beit Hanoun area. 

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 29.04.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: Palestinian Islamic Jihad Spokesperson talks about how he created "fake news" about Israeli atrocities

This includes an admission that he lied about Israel striking al-Ahla Hospital, which confirms Israel's assessment that the hospital courtyard had been hit by a misfired rocket, not aerial ordnance.

Avi Woolf | 08.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Shifa Hospital

IDF reveals identity of additional senior terrorists captured in Shifa Hospital

The terrorist leaders include commanders of rocket units, heads of internal security, and financial officials.

Avi Woolf | 03.04.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF Spokesperson confirms Marwan Issa killed in IDF strike earlier this month

Two weeks after an IDF strike targeted him, the IDF confirmed that Marwan Issa, Mohammad Dief's deputy and one of the masterminds of October 7 is dead.

| Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 26.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Shifa Hospital

IDF Spokesperson: "We've arrested very senior Hamas leaders whose name we cannot publish yet"

The IDF Spokesperson said that they cannot release the names of some of those captured in the raid because they possess "important intelligence."

JFeed Staff | 21.03.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF releases list of senior Hamas leaders captured at Shifa

The IDF has killed over 140 terrorists, captured many more, and seized caches of weapons and intelligence materials in the raid.

Avi Woolf | 21.03.24

Islamic Jihad Execution

Terrorists in Jenin execute teen for "aiding Israel" 

A Palestinian youth was kidnapped from the hospital and executed on the grounds that he was aiding Israel. His brother was among the captors.

JFeed Staff | 21.03.24