Shikma Bressler

The Kaplan Protest's Price List
Want to sit down with Shikma Bressler for coffee? This is the price

The leaders of the Kaplan protest published a price list for donors to the protest during Netanyahu's visit to the United States. Among the "prizes" was a coffee meeting with Shikma Bressler. After local backlash, the post was deleted.

JFeed | 14.09.23

Complaint Against Shikma Bressler

Complaint against Shikma Bressler: "Wild incitement to murder"

A complaint was filed with the police against Shikma Bressler by the lawyer Raz Atia for calling the leaders of the right-wing Nazis and fascists "this is wild incitement to murder"

JFeed | 10.09.23

The Legal Reform

Netanyahu: "Hold those inciters accountable."

In the background of the calls of incitement against the members of the government, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu harshly attacked the words and called on law enforcement officials to arrest the instigators. He also pointed an accusing finger at the opposition: "They did not see fit to condemn"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 10.09.23

Harsh Statement

After Shikma Bressler: another protest leader with a harsh statement

The left-wing activist Costa Black, known as one of the leaders of the protest organization, Wake-up Israel (kumiiisrael), provided another shocking statement, telling Sarah Struck: "To compare scum like you to Nazis, is to insult them." The minister has not yet responded

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 10.09.23

"A Scandal"

Netanyahu on Shikma Bressler's words: "a scandal"

Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to the words of Shikma Bressler, who called the right-wing representatives "Nazis", and said: "Both, contempt for the Holocaust, and wild incitement to the murder of government ministers and elected officials."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 09.09.23

Bressler Apologizes

After calling the right-wing "Nazis" Bressler apologizes

Shikma Bressler during a conference in Nahalal, called the representatives of the right-wing "Nazis" and the next day she published her apology "Only those who don't act are not wrong"

JFeed | 09.09.23

Neuman Lashes Out at Kahana

Roee Neuman to Matan Kahana: Shut up and don't interrupt

Member of Knesset Matan Kahana, asked for Shikma Bressler's permission to speak at the demonstration in Kaplan, and heard from Roee Neuman: "Instead of writing lousy tweets inviting yourself to give a speech, shut your mouth and keyboard"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 20.08.23

Enough With the Slander!

They trample the settlers and there is no opposition. Enough already!

The latest news once again ridicule a whole community, and everything goes. It is allowed to say that the settlers are lowlife murderers, to say that they are dangerous, that they are animals of prey. We have exhausted this demonization.

Yehudit Lazarovitch | 10.08.23