
Simchat Torah 2023
Entry and exit times for Shabbat Simchat Torah 2023

Simchat Torah is a Jewish holiday that marks the end of the annual Torah reading cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. On this day, the last Torah Parasha, Parashat Vezot HaBerachah, is read, followed immediately by the beginning of the first Parasha, Parashat Bereshit.

JFeed | 06.10.23

Pilgrimage To The Temple Mount

Pilgrims and detainees records: these are the figures for the pilgrims to the Temple Mount during the holiday

The organization 'Beyadenu' for the Temple Mount notes with satisfaction that the number of immigrants to the Temple Mount has increased significantly, however the number of those arrested and detained also increased during the right-wing government

JFeed | 05.10.23

A Sukkah in the Safari

Watch: Timon and his friends built a sukkah in the safari

In the safari, the animals continue with the Sukkot tradition, and this time, the meerkats are seen eating under the roof above them, under the title "The Meerkats' Sukkah." Will Simba and Pumbaa join?

JFeed | 04.10.23


Netanyahu: "Zero tolerance for any harm to worshipers"

Netanyahu condemns the incident in which Christians were spat on: "I strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate the believers, and I am committed to taking immediate and decisive measures against this phenomenon"

JFeed | 03.10.23

A Special Interview

A global phenomenon: Gentiles are thirsty to learn Judaism

The spitting of Jews in front of pilgrims in the Jewish Quarter brought to the fore the attitude we should have towards Gentiles. Gil Pantzek, director of an Ulpan, tries to lower the deep-rooted fear that the Jewish people have of the nations of the world

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 03.10.23

'The Patriots'

Yinon Magal was unable to continue the broadcast. View the documentation

Demonstrators against the legal reform came to the Sukkah studio of Channel 14 this evening, and interrupted the broadcast of the program 'The Patriots': "It was impossible to continue the broadcast"

JFeed | 02.10.23

The Priestly Blessing

Spectacular documentation: tens of thousands in the Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall

Tens of thousands of participants came to the Western Wall plaza for the traditional Priestly Blessing. Another event will be held on Wednesday in the morning

JFeed | 02.10.23

Sivan Rahav-Meir

Sivan Rahav-Meir documented: an amazing phenomenon that is not covered enough

Media woman Sivan Rahav-Meir, on the night sights at the Western Wall: "This is an amazing phenomenon and not enough known and covered. Sacred tourism."

JFeed | 02.10.23

Aryeh Deri's Etrog

After the storm: how much did Aryeh Deri's Etrog really cost

A recording of Aryeh Deri boasting about an Etrog he bought for $5000 caused a stir on the net. After clarifying that it was a joke, Avishai Ben Haim reveals how much the Etrog really cost

JFeed | 02.10.23

The Celebs 'Ushpizin'

The celebs choose their guests for the holiday

With whom did Rabbi Yigal Levinstein study in his Sukkah? Thanks to whom Dudu Fisher didn't play on Saturday? Which basketball player would flow with the music in the Sukkah? And who is the grandson of a righteous person?

JFeed | 01.10.23

Sukkah On Ayalon Road 

After the demonstrators built a Sukkah on the road. Ayalon opens to traffic

Another disturbance of order by the left-wing demonstrators at the Kaplan demonstrations. A number of protesters built a Sukkah in the middle of Ayalon road, handcuffed themselves to it and blocked traffic. After a few minutes, the police cleared the protesters and opened the road to traffic

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 30.09.23

Rosh Yehudi Tel Aviv

Following Rosh Yehudi's petition: the judge asked to come to an understanding

The court ordered the Municipality of Tel Aviv and the Rosh Yehudi organization to meet immediately and come to an understanding regarding the Sukkot holiday events planned by the organization. According to Rosh Yehudi: "We are asking for business-like conduct on the part of the municipality"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.09.23

Border Police Arrests

Amidst the alert situation: 367 illegal residents were caught in the activity of the Border Police

During the week, Border Police fighters caught 367 illegal residents and another 90 suspects who helped them. The Border Police stated that the activity was conducted as part of the preparation for the holiday of Sukkot and at the same time operational deployment of the fighters is being carried out in several centers throughout the country

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 28.09.23

"We Will Sit And Talk"

The initiative of the members of the coalition and the opposition: "We will sit and talk"

Members of Knesset Michal Woldiger and Hili Tropper are initiating a joint event during Sukkot, with the aim of holding a joint dialogue on unity: "Amidst the terrible polarization, we seek to create an opportunity for dialogue"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

Free S'chach

Ahead of Sukkot: KKL will distribute free Sukkah roofing to the public

Ahead of the Sukkot holiday, KKL will distribute free Sukkah roofing for the Sukkah to the public in order to make it easier for the residents to build the Sukkah, as well as to prevent cutting S'chach in a pirate way that harms the environment

JFeed | 26.09.23