The Incapacity Law

The High Court Hearing Ended
After 8 hours: the High Court hearing on the Incapacity Law ended

The debate in the Supreme Court on the Incapacity Law ended after about 8 hours, and now the parties are waiting for the verdict. During the discussion, the representative of the Attorney General initially argued that she does not have the authority to disqualify the prime minister, but later changed his position

JFeed | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law 

Attorney General's representative: We do not have the authority to issue detentions

Aner Hellman, the representative of the Attorney General, claimed during the High Court hearing that there is no authority to take Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to prison. According to him: "The one who determines that the Prime Minister is a prison is the government and not the Attorney General

JFeed | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law

Initiator of the Incapacity Law, against the High Court: "There is no room for interpretation"

The initiator of the Incapacity Law, MK Ofir Katz, commented on the interpretation that arose around the applicability of the law: "There was no shadow of a doubt that we are legislating an order that will apply immediately." During the hearing, Attorney Rabilo scolded the judges: "This is not a fourth reading vote."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law

Outside the High Court: An alternative polling station was set up near the court

In the background of the discussion in the High Court regarding the petition to cancel the amendment to the incapacity law, the activists of the right-wing organization 'Im Tirtzu' staged a protest in which they presented ballots with notes that read "Invalid by the High Court": "Their dictatorship is trampling on the free citizens"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law

Live broadcast: The High Court discusses petitions against the fortification law

With the decision on the reason for reasonableness expected in the background, the High Court of Justice is deliberating with a panel of 11 judges on the petitions against the Prime Minister's fortification law.

JFeed | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law

Just before the hearing at the High Court: So what exactly is the incapacity law?

The amendment to the bankruptcy law that will be discussed today in the High Court is intended to thwart the possibility that the prime minister will be removed from office despite his legal status. Due to the passage of the law, a petition was submitted to the court in order to reject it. So what is the law actually? 

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law

Ahead of the High Court hearing, Levin attacks: "This is not democracy"

Justice Minister Yariv Levin issued a strong statement, in which he strongly opposed the discussion of the incapacity law in the Supreme Court, and attacked the judges of the High Court of Justice as being "above the people"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law

"Unwilling to Accept": Ministers Opposed to the Debate in the High Court on the incapacity law

The ministers referred to the hearing that will be held tomorrow at the High Court and will deal with the incapacity law, Silman: "Judges will sit and decide whether to throw 2.5 million votes in the trash", Minister Karai: "We are not ready to accept this."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

Amit Segal

Amit Segal reminds us: The most important moment of the week is tomorrow

The political commentator Amit Segal believes that despite the storm surrounding the Yom Kippur prayer in Tel Aviv, the most important moment of the week will happen precisely tomorrow at the High Court

JFeed | 27.09.23

The Incapacity Law 

The Knesset responded to the High Court: "There is no room for delaying the incapacity law"

On September 28, the High Court of Justice is expected to hold a hearing regarding the incapacity law. After Netanyahu claimed that judges do not have the authority to intervene, the Knesset also announced that there is no room for rejecting the law

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 22.09.23

Incapacity Law

Netanyahu to the High Court: You must not interfere with the Incapacity Law

Netanyahu's lawyer submitted the government's response to the High Court of Israel: "The petitions seek to establish, in fact, without any authority in law, that millions of citizens toiled in vain to exercise their right to vote."

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23

Response to the High Court's Decision

Petitioners' responses to the High Court: "A law tailored to Netanyahu's needs"

Israel Beitenu and the movement for the quality of government are reacting to the High Court's decision not to reject the petition regarding The Incapacity Law. Chairman of Israel Beitenu MK Avigdor Lieberman: "A personal law that deserves to be invalidated"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 06.08.23

The Incapacity Law: the Discussion was Scheduled

The discussion regarding the Prime Minister's Incapacity was scheduled

The judges of the High Court of Justice have ruled that the debate on the Prime Minister's Incapacity law will take place this week on Thursday, August 3rd. A discussion regarding Netanyahu's conflict of interest will be held on September 12

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 01.08.23