
Travel, Lebanon-Israel war
Get out: travel alerts surge amid talks war could break out in weeks

With tensions at an all time high, multiple countries are urging their citizens to leave Lebanon before it becomes a zone of conflict in what is seen as an imminent war with Israel. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Hezbaollah, IDF, War, Lebanon

Is Israel ready for total war with Hezbollah?

Many wonder whether our infrastructure can sustain a prolonged attack as war with Lebanon looms.

Gila Isaacson | 20.06.24

100 Days

Economic Standstill: Companies and Organizations Join Symbolic Strike on Day 100 of the War

Dozens of companies, organizations, and businesses have begun a symbolic strike of 100 minutes as a sign of solidarity with the captives and their families on the 100th day of the war.

JFeed Staff | 14.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

Soldier Andu’alem Kabeda from Kiryat Gat Falls in Battle at Khan Yunis

Released for publication: Sgt. First-Class (Res.) Andu’alem Kabeda, 21 years old, from Kiryat Gat, a fighter in the 603rd Engineering Battalion, 7th (Saar me-Golan) Armor Brigade, fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.

JFeed Staff | 14.01.24

The 2024 State Budget

Prepare Your Wallet: The Treasury's New Decrees for 2024

Additional taxation on fuel and natural gas, which will also impact electricity prices, increased taxation on tobacco products and cigarettes, and a substantial cut in the medication basket - All are part of the Treasury's efforts to cope with the costs of the war.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 10.01.24

Israel At War, Khamenei

Khamenei: "Those Who Will Defeat Israel Are the Arab Residents of Judea and Samaria"

The leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran, Ali Khamenei, marked the West Bank as the weak point of the State of Israel. In meetings with senior officials, he claimed that the West Bank Arabs are the ones who will conquer Israel.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 04.01.24

Israel At War, The WHO

The head of the World Health Organization Called for a Ceasefire and Ignored the Suffering of the Hostages

The head of the World Health Organization called tonight (Sunday) for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and wrote: "Hospitals should be places for care and recovery, not danger and unrelenting suffering".

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 25.12.23

Israel At War

Netanyahu Considering Changing the Name of the War - Here are the Options

Over two months after the start of the 'Swords of Iron' war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering changing its name. Here are the possible names.

JFeed Staff | 18.12.23

Israel At War, Home Front Command Guidelines 

After the Return to Combat; Home Front Command Updates the Guidelines

Following the resumption of fighting in Gaza, the Home Front Command publishes new and strict defensive instructions. Where are there studies, and where is it allowed to hold events? all the details.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 01.12.23

Israel At War

The Chief of Staff in the North: "We will not return to the pre-war reality"

Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi met with the heads of the authorities in the north and said: "We will plan together with the heads of the authorities the return of the residents and its timing, through dialogue and with the understanding that we will not be able to return to the reality that existed here before the war"

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 28.11.23


There is Only One Way to Prevent the Next Massacre

If we cherish life, if we want to continue existing in this land, if we want to solve the problem at its root, and if we want to ensure that the terrible massacre won't happen again, there is only one way: "And you shall dispossess all the inhabitants of the land from before you."

Rabbi Meir Goldmintz | 01.11.23

MK Michal Waldiger Resigns

Due to the Situation: MK Michal Waldiger Resigns from her Position

MK Michal Waldiger announced the end of her role as Deputy Minister of Finance in order to focus on maximizing efforts for the rehabilitation of the healthcare and mental health systems and directing budgetary resources towards the victory in the war.

| JFeed | 26.10.23


Why am I Optimistic Despite Everything?

I am optimistic because I see the trail of destruction, evil and nothingness that our enemies have left in the world. I am optimistic because we now see the unity, disillusionment and determination that lies in the people of Israel.

Rabbi Haggai Lundin | 17.10.23

Evacuation of the Abandoned Vehicles

Evacuation of the Abandoned Vehicles from the Massacre Areas has Begun

The Israel Routes Company will begin today the evacuation of the dozens of abandoned vehicles that remain as a silent witness to the horror that occurred in the Gaza envelope settlements, dozens of vehicles have been dedicated to carrying out the task.

JFeed | 16.10.23

Twitter Removed Hamas Accounts

Twitter Announced: We Removed Hundreds of Hamas Accounts

The CEO of X Network (formerly Twitter) announced that the social network has removed hundreds of accounts associated with Hamas and also deleted tens of thousands of tweets related to the conflict in Israel. She stated, "There is no place on X for terrorist organizations."

| Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 16.10.23

The Ultra-Orthodox can Enlist

The War in the South: This is how the Ultra-Orthodox can Enlist in the IDF

The fighting in the south and the Israeli public's mood have led to numerous inquiries from private individuals and leaders of various Haredi groups who expressed their desire to enlist in the conflict. Various programs have been established for those with military exemptions to integrate into the system.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 15.10.23

Attack on the Jerusalem Area

Heavy barrage to the Jerusalem area: people wounded in Beitar Illit and Har Adar

A heavy barrage was launched from the Gaza Strip towards the Jerusalem area and other areas in different parts of the country. During the rocket fire, buildings in the communities of Beitar Illit and Har Adar were hit

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23

Netanyahu Spoke with Biden

For the second time: Netanyahu spoke with President Biden

The conversation between the two took place following their conversation yesterday before President Biden's statement of U.S. support for Israel's actions. The president reiterated his unequivocal support for the State of Israel

JFeed | 08.10.23

The Death Toll:  Over 500 People

The battles in the south: at least 500 dead and over 2000 wounded

The Ministry of Health has updated that there are 2,048 hospitalized patients, including 20 in critical condition and 330 in serious condition. The death toll in the war has risen to over 500 people

JFeed | 08.10.23