
Improvement in Gottlieb's Condition
There has been an improvement in the condition of the injured individual from the attack in southern Har Hevron

There has been an improvement in the condition of Aryeh Gottlieb, the gunshot victim from the attack near Har Hevron. He is breathing on his own, fully conscious, and further surgeries are expected for him

Sarit Shefek | 22.08.23

A Soldier Heard the Shooting

Investigation of the attack: A soldier heard the shooting but did not recognize the attack

The investigation of the attack in Hebron reveals that the terrorists' vehicle bypassed the Israeli car and fired a long burst towards it. Afterwards, the terrorists fled to Hebron. A soldier in close proximity heard the gunfire but did not identify it as an attack

Arye Yoeli, Srugim News | 21.08.23

The Security Forces are Searching for the Terrorists

The hunt continues: the security forces confiscated weapons

Security forces continued their searches for the terrorist who carried out the attack in Hawara, where a father and his son were killed. The forces are currently continuing their searches and patrols in order to apprehend the terrorist

JFeed | 20.08.23

Following Yesterday's Attack

Pursuit after the assailant from Huwara: Two suspects have been arrested

Security forces continue the pursuit after the assailant from the attack in Huwara, and last night, two suspects were arrested for involvement. Palestinian media reports that checkpoints were set up in nearby villages and searches were conducted

JFeed | 20.08.23

Attack in Syria

Report in Syria: 4 dead in an Israeli attack in Damascus

In Syria, it has been reported that the Air Force targeted objectives in Damascus, while anti-aircraft defense systems intercepted several missiles. According to sources in the Assad regime's army, 4 Syrian soldiers were killed and 4 others were injured in the attack

Uriel Be'eri, Srugim News | 07.08.23

Israeli Attacked in Berlin

Report in Germany: An Israeli tourist was attacked and injured in Berlin

A 19-year-old Israeli tourist was seriously injured after being violently attacked in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin, when 3 men got out of a vehicle, beat and kicked him. The police are investigating a suspected anti-Semitic attack. In Germany they condemned: "It is intolerable that something like this should happen to a young Jew"

Uriel Be'eri, Srugim News | 06.08.23

Terrorist Attack in Ma'ale Adumim

4 injured in a shooting attack in Ma'ale Adumim; the terrorist was killed

Rescue and medical forces were called to Ma'ale Adumim mall following a report of a shooting attack. At the scene, four were seriously, moderately and lightly injured; The terrorist was killed

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 01.08.23

UAV Attack in Moscow

Again: A building damaged in a rocket attack in Moscow

The authorities in Russia reported another unmanned aerial vehicle attack that occurred in Moscow, where one of the vehicles crashed into a tower in the business district in the city center, causing damage to the building. This is the second time this week that a UAV has targeted the Russian capital

Uriel Be'eri, Srugim News | 01.08.23