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Avigdor Liberman

Avigdor Liberman.
Man's A Tough Guy

Avigdor Liberman: No hostages? No food, no fuel, no nothing

Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman said that Israel needs to choke off the Gaza Strip if Hamas does not continue releasing hostages as scheduled.

Avi Woolf
Avigdor Liberman.

Would Be A Very Easy Adjustment

Avigdor Liberman: Donald Trump's plan would work great in this location

Avi Woolf
Arye Deri and Avigdor Liberman.

Choose Your Fighter!

Arye Deri and Avigdor Liberman clash: IDF soldiers or yeshivah students - who's more important?

Avi Woolf
President Donald Trump.

Bipartisan Support For The New President!

After Benjamin Netanyahu: Israeli politicians across the spectrum congratulate President Trump

Avi Woolf
image of something

No Kidding!

Avigdor Lieberman on Syria: We need to be active

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Avigdor Liberman.

You Probably Won't Be Surprised

Avigdor Lieberman: This is the side we should choose in Syria

Avi Woolf
Avigdor Liberman.

Israel-Gaza War

"It's not our job": Liberman criticizes appointment of IDF humanitarian coordinator

Avi Woolf
Israeli elections. Illustration.

Polls, Politics

Not just Channel 14: Likud now largest party in Maariv poll

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Avigdor Liberman.

Liberman, Haniyeh Assassination, Defence Minister

After 8 Years and 2 Months: Haniyeh Eliminated Within 48 Hours

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff
Letter to Biden.

Israel-Gaza War

Coalition and opposition MKs to Biden: Withdraw sanctions against Tzav Tesha protest movement

Avi Woolf
Bennet and Liberman in friendlier days.


Bennet and Liberman fighting over leadership of new rightwing party

JFeed Staff
Israeli elections. Illustration.

Elections, Polls

New poll: Liberman second largest party in Gantz camp, edging out Lapid

Avi Woolf
Avigdor Liberman.


Liberman: Things can't go on like this

JFeed Staff
image of something

Politics, Religion

Avigdor Liberman says he observes this religious commandment

JFeed Staff
Netanyahu and Liberman.

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Liberman: Netanyahu offered me Defense portfolio

JFeed Staff
Liberman, Sa'ar, and Lapid planning to bring down the government.


Opposition leaders meet, expect Gantz to join them

JFeed Staff
Avigdor Liberman.


Liberman to Gantz and Lapid: "Let's set up a war room to bring down the government"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff
Avigdor Liberman.

Israel-Gaza War, International Cort of Justice

Liberman: UN institutions and the Hague have become terrorist collaborators

Avi Woolf
Liberman at party meeting

Avigdor Liberman, Israel-Gaza War

Liberman to Likud members: "Replace Netanyahu, we have your back"

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff
Avigdor Liberman

Avigdor Liberman

Liberman: Netanyahu's government has reached its end

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff