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Border Police

IDF Undercover soldier in the field
The real Fauda

IDF undercover forces nab escaping terror suspects

Shin Bet intelligence led undercover forces to arrest two fugitives who attempted to flee IDF troops.

Avi Nachmani
IDF operating in Samaria

Full speed ahead

Dozens of terrorists  killed, hundreds arrested, in Samaria

Avi Nachmani
image of something

Closure in Jenin

Fallen soldier Shai Garmai’s belongings recovered during operation in Jenin

Avi Nachmani
image of something

Hide and seek

WATCH: Dramatic footage from Nablus - Undercover soldiers pull terrorist out of wooden box 

Avi Nachmani
Qalandia Checkpoint

No end in sight

Terrorist throws explosive at Qalandia Crossing and is eliminated 

Avi Nachmani
Picture of the permission paper given to the terrorist just 3 days ago

WHY was a terrorist allowed into the country??? We need answers!

Major Security Breach: The Shin Bet ALLOWED a terrorist from Morocco to enter Israel

Eliana Fleming
Arrest - illustration

Terror attack foiled

"I’m planning an attack": Mother exposes terrorist plot 

Avi Nachmani
Documentation of the tunnels discovered

Tunnel Discovered Between Mexico and the USA Raises Alarm Over Border Security

Just like Gaza? US-Mexico Border: Authorities Uncover Massive Cross-Border Tunnel Used for Smuggling

Eliana Fleming
Weapons and cash found on the eliminated terrorist

20 Pistols Seized in Vehicle During Security Operation in Samaria

Armed terrorists eliminated in Samarian operation

Eliana Fleming
Undercover IDF officers (Mista'arvim)


Nablus: Israeli undercover operatives capture high-value terrorist in coffee shop ambush

Gila Isaacson
IDF operating in Tulkarm

Nice Hannukah gift

WATCH: Seven terrorists eliminated, terror tunnel destroyed, in counterterror op in Tulkarm

Avi Nachmani
image of something

Destroying Jewish homes during all-out war

Double destruction in Binyamin region: Civil Administration demolishes two hilltop settlements near Beit El

Avi Nachmani
One of the terror suspects

Terrorists can run but they cant hide

Caught red-handed: Two Palestinians arrested for producing explosives

Eliana Fleming
Male suspect arrested

Terror attack on police station thwarted

Shefaram man charged with planning attack on police station

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff
image of something

Caught in costume

Arab disguised as Haredi arrested on Jerusalem bus by Border Police

Avi Nachmani
More weapons discovered by the IDF

Police raid reveals store of weapons in the North 

Huge weapons cache was uncovered by the police in the village of Isfiya

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff
Border police outside Jerusalem

Terrorism knows no limits

Terrorists charged after they impersonated police officers and stabbed the victim

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff
image of something

Terrorist attack near East Jerusalem

Ramming attack in Anata - terrorist killed on the spot

Avi Nachmani
Weapons seized by the IDF

Our Incredible IDF

3 simultaneous IDF ops: Militant encounters, airstrikes, and weapons seizures | WATCH (plus pix)

Gila Isaacson1
Naftali Bennett

Naftali Bennett, Iran

Bennett calls for attack on nuclear facilities in Iran: "A one-time window of opportunity"

Avi Nachmani1