Female soldiers made to secure Nukhba terrorists’ showers and see them naked
Despite orders to prevent contact, women in the IDF report continued abuse by Nukhba detainees
Despite orders to prevent contact, women in the IDF report continued abuse by Nukhba detainees
October 7th victims family blocked from recordings of their daughters murder
A year and a quarter into the war: Over 100% recruitment in combat units
Historic first
A year after October 7th
If men won't do it, the women will
Protestors attack two female soldiers
Female IDF hero soldiers
Observation soldier killed, IDF Failure, October 7th
Prison guards assaulted, Female soldiers
October 7, Rehabilitaded Soldier, Engagement
Prison Guard attacked, light injury by terrorist
Nasrallah threats, Hebollah attack on Israel, Iran, Lebanon
Hostage release, Hamas captivity, ceasefire deal, Gaza
Culture, Shin Bet, Gender Equality, Israel
IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Female Soldiers
McGill University, Canada, Anti-Semitism
IDF, Hezbollah strikes, Israel
International Women's Day, Israel-Gaza War