Female soldiers made to secure Nukhba terrorists’ showers and see them naked
Despite orders to prevent contact, women in the IDF report continued abuse by Nukhba detainees

Despite the fact that the Chief of Staff and the Minister of Defense instructed to ensure that female soldiers do not come into direct contact or interface with the Nukhba terrorists – Channel 14 reveals tonight that even today female soldiers were harassed and even forced to "secure showers" for the Nukhba terrorists and see them naked.
A female soldier in one of the detention facilities told Channel 14 News: "I wanted to update you that the order has not yet been implemented, the expectation of us to come into direct contact with them, the commanders and staff claim that the order does not exist and they do not know it at all. In addition, I and 3 other girls were forced to secure terrorists' showers and we were obligated to do so, and unfortunately I saw naked terrorists."
"I feel degraded on extreme levels," she continuee. "I feel disturbed, I feel desecrated. When I went out and talked and told them about it, and I started crying, they physically underestimated the fact that I felt desecrated. They told me that nothing really happened and that as far as they were concerned, everything was fine."
The soldier further stated: "Because as far as they're concerned, the fact that I saw a naked terrorist and that I feel desecrated and harassed is completely legitimate. They completely ignored all our feelings, all our anxieties. When I said I was afraid to do the showers, they didn't care, it was just extreme disrespect. Even when I told them that I had seen a naked terrorist and that I felt desecrated and disturbed, and I used those words, and physically cried, there was extreme and sweeping ignorance."