Female soldiers made to secure Nukhba terrorists’ showers and see them naked
Despite orders to prevent contact, women in the IDF report continued abuse by Nukhba detainees
Avi Nachmani
Despite orders to prevent contact, women in the IDF report continued abuse by Nukhba detainees
It was always a stupid idea
Still Hundreds More To Go
Clueless on Nukhba
Relentless precision
Moral collapse of the West
Terrorist from October 7 gets VIP treatment in Israeli hospital
We Just Keep Winning
Nukhba terrorist eliminated
Military Intelligence, Unit 8200, October 7
Ben Gvir, Death Penalty for terrorists
Sde Teiman, Confidentiality agreement, Soldiers arrested, Alleged abuse
Israel Prison Services
IDF, Sde Teiman
Sde Teiman, Alleged Abuse of terrorist, Soldiers arrested
Sde Teiman, Soldiers arrested, Alleged abuse
Sde Teiman, Reservists
Sde Teiman
Nukhba, Sde Teiman