the legal reform

A Change in the Composition of the Judges
Because of the postponement of the date: a change in the composition of the judges who will hear the petition against Yariv Levin

After the Supreme Court received the position of Justice Minister Yariv Levin, a date was set for the hearing against him regarding the Judicial Appointments Committee. The new composition of the committee is considered to be more "conservative"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Likud Publishes a Clarification Notice

After Netanyahu's words: Likud issues a clarification statement

Likud publishes a clarification notice following Netanyahu's words about the legal reform: "He did not reject the legal reform at all"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

The Discussion on the Clause of Reasonability

After 13 hours: the discussion on the Clause of Reasonability ended

After 13.5 hours, the discussion in the Supreme Court regarding the law to limit the Clause of Reasonability has concluded. Now, everyone is waiting for the judgment, which will be delivered in the coming months. The Knesset and the government were given 21 days to complete their written arguments

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Smotrich Sets a Red Line

The contacts for compromise: Smotrich sets a red line for agreements

Minister Smotrich referred to the discussions at the President's Residence and the reports about a compromise plan that Netanyahu is promoting for the judicial reform. Smotrich clarified, "Under no circumstances will we agree to give up the diversity in the selection of judges"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

The Judicial Reform

Gantz rejects the compromise: "There is no one to talk to at this time"

Leader of the Blue and White party, Benny Gantz, releases statement to the media addressing, for the first time, reports regarding a compromise proposal on judicial reform

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

Protest Against the Protester

"Dangerous to the public": protest against the protester from Jerusalem

A number of activists from the right-wing organization 'Im Tirtzu' demonstrated in front of the home of Dan Aharonson, the protester who smashed the windshield of the car belonging to a mother and her daughters during the protests in Jerusalem. According to them: "This is a dangerous individual who needs to be imprisoned"

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 21.08.23

'If You Will' Joins the Argument

Friend of the Court: 'If You Will' filed a petition to join the hearing

After submitting the petition to the High Court against the reduction of the Clause of Reasonability and the joining of many protest organizations to the petition, the 'If You Will' movement submitted a request to join the hearing as a 'friend of the court'

JFeed | 20.08.23

The Ultra-Orthodox Change Their Position

Recalculating the route: the ultra-Orthodox demand a freeze on the legislation

The heads of the ultra-Orthodox parties appealed to the Prime Minister demanding an immediate freeze on the legal reform legislation even at the cost of the resignation of Justice Minister Yariv Levin

Yehuda Klein, Srugim News | 15.08.23

Measure of Reasonablesness - Negotiations

Smotrich pushes for a compromise, Ben Gvir and Levin refuse

While voting on the law to reduce the measure of reasonableness, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is trying to lead a compromise. On the other hand, Yariv Levin and Itamar Ben Gabir refuse

Bentzi Rubin | 24.07.23