Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff

"The choice is between Stalin and Hitler": French Jewry's dilemma

With the second round for the French parliamentary election looking like a close-run thing, French Jews speak about their difficult choices.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 07.07.24


Ashkelon: A car explosion kills a 20-year old woman

A 20-year-old woman was killed and a 5-year-old girl was seriously injured, in the crime-related incident.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 11.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Look surprised: Hamas refuses the deal

Hamas political leader Osama Hamdan convened a press conference announcing that the organization would accept no deal that did not include a complete IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and a permanent cease-fire.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 04.06.24

Polls, IDF, Charedim

Poll: Overwhelming majority of Charedim oppose draft, even for non-yeshivah students

81% of Charedim polled said they support the Rabbinic view that even non-yeshivah students shouldn't be drafted. 65% support leaving the coalition if yeshivah students are drafted.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 02.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, France

Macron says will recognize Palestinian state at "right time"

Emanuel Macron said that France would recognize a Palestinian state at an appropriate time and that he would not make this decision based on "emotion."

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 29.05.24


Yair Golan elected leader of Labour party

Former MK and Deputy IDF Chief of Staff Yair Golan won the Labour Party's leadership primary by an overwhelming 95%.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 28.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

Heavy salvo towards Meron; Burkan missile fired at division headquarters

Hezbollah fired several dozen rockets at the Meron area a few hours ago. No casualties have been reported.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 15.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, United States

Amit Segal: Biden like a beauty pageant contestant who just wants world peace

The Channel 12 political commentator says that Biden's decision to halt weapons shipments to Israel amounts to an "airlift of hope for Sinwar."

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 08.05.24

France, Israel-Gaza War

French prime minister slams far left: "Shame on you!" 

The Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal,  gave another pro-Israel speech, attacking the leader of the extreme left in the country who expresses his support for Hamas.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 08.05.24

Temple Mount

13 suspects arrested en-route to Passover sacrifice on Temple Mount

13 suspects who tried to reach the Temple Mount with goats in order to sacrifice them for Passover were detained by police.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 22.04.24

US-Israel Relations, Sanctions

"Contemporary antisemitism:" Right-wing MKs react to new American sanctions 

Right-wing MKs blasted the US decision to impose sanctions on the Netzah Yehuda Battalion: "Modern-day antisemitism."

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 21.04.24

Iranian Attack

Israeli counter-strike on the horizon? France tells citizens to abandon Iran

Fearing a regional escalation, France sent a warning to its citizens to leave the country immediately. The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the ambassadors of France, Great Britain and Germany after they condemned the attack.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 15.04.24


Telepath who predicted Hamas attack has new "prophecies": All the Arab states will attack us at once

Einat Aviya Hazan sees visions of events that will happen in years to come and tells us she predicts Netanyahu won't finish his term in office due to health problems, Biden will not be president come Nov. 5, and all the Arab states will attack Israel.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 28.03.24

Emmanuel Macron

Macron's unprecedented pressure on Netanyahu: "Stop the settlements"

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with Netanyahu, demanding an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza, and a complete stop to settlement expansion in Judea and Samaria.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 25.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages

Watch: Saying Shema with the hostages' families 

Today (Thursday), all the families of hostages participated in a mass saying of Shema at the Western Wall at 5:30 Israel Time.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 21.03.24

Emmanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin

Headed for World War III? Macron sends threatening message to Putin

After French President Macron said that there would be no escape from sending NATO troops to Ukraine, Putin fired back: "When soldiers return in coffins covered with the French flag, I don't think the French will be happy."

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 20.03.24

Russia, Alexei Navalny

Biden accuses Putin of Navalny's death

President Joe Biden addressed the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in prison, accusing Putin of responsibility and calling for an investigation of his death.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 17.02.24

The Hague, Israel-Gaza War

The Hague Ruling on Israel's War: The Possible Scenarios

Professor Amichai Cohen, an expert of public international law, believes the Hague will not issue an injunction to stop the war entirely, but thinks there are things we need to look at. Interview.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 25.01.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages, France

France Holds Major Rally to Mark 100 Days of War

President Emanuel Macron welcomed the rally, which marked a hundred days of war and called for the release of the hostages, by saying "France does not abandon its children. You can trust me."

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 14.01.24

Meeting with Mothers of Abductees

Rebbetzins from the Religious Zionist Community Met with Mothers of Abductees

Rebbetzins from the religious Zionist community met with the mothers and wives of the abductees' families alongside minister Idit Silman, they shared their feelings in the face of the war and formulated methods of action in the nation for connection and unity.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 04.01.24