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WATCH: IDF hunts terrorists in Judea and Samaria

The IDF arrested some 50 terrorists and eliminated ten more during raids throughout Judea and Samaria over the week.

Avi Woolf, Gila Isaacson, Eliana Fleming
2 min read
Hunting for terrorists overnight.
Photo: IDF Spokesperson

The IDF arrested some 50 terrorists and eliminated 10 in airstrikes during operations throughout Judea and Samaria over the course of the last week.

Watch the IDF in action here:

Source: IDF Spokesperson

Over the course of the week, the IDF worked with the Shin Bet to strike more than ten terrorists from the air in two strikes.

Jenin has been the source of increased terrorist activity for the past several weeks, with terrorists from various groups including Hamas working to challenge even the Palestinian Authority and engage in clashes with its security forces.

Just yesterday, an Israeli military vehicle struck an explosive device during a counterterrorism operation in Qabatiya, severely injuring a soldier from the Kfir Brigade and another from the Menashe Brigade. A reservist from the Kfir Brigade sustained light injuries.

The Palestinian Authority's security forces faced their deadliest days yet after fighting with independent terrorist units for three weeks prior. According to official reports, two security officers were killed in the past 24 hours during confrontations with armed militants, raising the operation's death toll to five PA officers and four militants.

The scale of the operation is reflected in the numbers released by PA security forces: 18 booby-trapped vehicles destroyed—ten in just the past 48 hours—and 165 arrests of suspected Jenin Brigade members and their supporters. Some 43 militants have been wounded in the fighting.

The tension escalated Thursday night when, for the first time since the operation began, gunfire erupted across the entire refugee camp rather than in isolated pockets.

The Palestinian Authority and these independent groups have reportedly arrived at a truce after the latter declared a cessation of hostilities, but the frequency and tempo of IDF operations in the area suggest that the danger to Israelis and IDF forces in the Jenin area is still very much present.

One of the conditions of the hostage deal was that the hardened murdering terrorists would not be released into Judea and Samaria, for fear that they would spark and encourage more attacks from that area at Israeli settlers, IDF forces, or across the Green Line.

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