
Israeli model, Brazil, crime, drug posession
Report: An Israeli model was arrested in Brazil for drug possession

An Israeli model, a resident of Jerusalem, was arrested in Rio de Janeiro by the local police, after 4 kg of cocaine was found in her suitcase.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 15.07.24

Hamas, Brazil deport

Brazil expels Hamas operative after US warning

Brazil deported a Palestinian man and his family after the United States tipped off Brazilian federal police that a "Hamas agent" was on his way to the South American country, Brazilian officials said Monday.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.06.24


Tragedy in Brazil: Israeli tourist plunges to her death

An Israeli tourist was killed in the Santa Teresa neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro after jumping from a height of 15 meters while escaping from a group of robbers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with the prosecutor regarding the transfer of her body to Israel.

JFeed Staff | 08.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Israel-Brazil Relations

Brazil accuses Israel of "genocide" - while buying guns from it

According to Calcalist, Brazil has recently agreed to buy a substantial amount of mobile artillery from Israeli company Elbit, despite accusing the country of committing "genocide" in Gaza.

Avi Woolf | 30.04.24


"He should learn how to count:" Brazilian leader's embarrassing mistake

During a speech, Brazilian President Lula da Silva claimed that 12.3 million children have been killed in Gaza. Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded: "We need a law that every person who wants to be elected should learn how to count."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 06.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Brazil

Ousted Brazilian leader waves Israeli flag in front of hundreds of thousands of protesters

Hundreds of thousands demonstrated against the investigations into former president Jair Bolsonaro alleged coup attempt. Demonstrators also took issue with President Lula da Silva's hostile attitude toward Israel.

JFeed Staff | 26.02.24

Israel-Gaza War

Survivor of Oct. 7 massacre to President of Brazil: "You're belittling the Holocaust" 

Rafaela Triestman, a Brazilian citizen who immigrated to Israel, appealed to the Brazilian President following his claim that Israel is committing genocide: "It makes me very sad to be a Jew from Brazil - to know that I cannot return to my country because of anti-Semitism."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 22.02.24

Blinken in Brazil

Blinken meets Brazilian President after Holocaust row: "Our ties are stronger than ever"

Against the backdrop of tensions between Israel and Brazil, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met President Lula and noted that relations between the countries are strong and that Brazil is a "key partner in human rights issues."

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 22.02.24

Brazil, Israel-Gaza War

Following his statement against Israel: Brazilian president in danger of impeachment?

After accusing Israel of "genocide" in Gaza and comparing its actions to the Holocaust, Brazilian President Lula da Silva is facing an unexpected rebellion at home.

Oz Israel Schwartz | 20.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Brazil

Brazilian President recalls ambassador after being declared persona non grata in Israel

After being declared persona non grata in Israel for comparing the war in Gaza to the Holocaust, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced that his ambassador would be recalled and Israel's ambassador reprimanded.

Avi Woolf | 19.02.24

Brazil's Holocaust comparison

Foreign Minister Katz: Brazil's President - a persona non grata in Israel

Foreign Minister Israel Katz summoned the Brazilian ambassador to Israel at the Yad Vashem Museum, following the Brazilian president's comparison between Israel's war in Gaza and Hitler's and the Holocaust: "The comparison is a shame, disgrace, and a serious anti-Semitic attack."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 19.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Brazil

FM Katz summons Brazilian ambassador over Lula's comparison of Gaza war to Holocaust

After the Brazilian President compared the war in Gaza to Hitler's genocide of the Jews, Foreign Minister Katz announced that the Brazilian ambassador would be summoned to be reprimanded.

Avi Woolf | 18.02.24

Terrorist Attack Thwarted 

Mossad: We Thwarted a Terrorist Attack Planned by Hezbollah in Brazil

The Prime Minister's Office announced on behalf of the Mossad organization that the organization succeeded in thwarting a terrorist attack planned by Hezbollah in Brazil, the Mossad thanked the local security forces.

| Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 08.11.23