Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, Normalization, Israel-Gaza War
Here's Why Saudi Arabia is Holding Off on Israel Normalization Deal

Saudi Arabia's decision to postpone Israel normalization negotiations reveals intricate diplomatic challenges and strategic considerations in the Middle East.

Gila Isaacson | 14.07.24

Biden, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Normalization

Time has run out for Biden's Pre-Election Israeli-Saudi deal

Diplomatic ambitions falter as congressional deadlines and Gaza conflict stall landmark Israeli-Saudi Deal.

Gila Isaacson | 11.07.24

Hezbollah, Arab League

Arab League official: Comments on Hezbollah not being considered terrorist group "misinterpreted"

Arab League assistant secretary-general Hossam Zaki claims that removing the "terrorist" label does not mean that reservations regarding the organization's behavior have ceased to exist.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Breaking news, Saudi Arabia

Hundreds dead during Hajj pilgrimage 

Over 500 people have been killed in Saudi Arabia over the past five days due to extreme heat conditions, with temperatures reaching as high as 51 degrees Celsius according to Euro news.  

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.06.24

Saudi Arabia

Study shows Saudi textbooks more tolerant of Jews, slightly more neutral on Palestinian conflict

Among other things, Jews are no longer accused of "distorting" their scriptures and while Israel is not mentioned, the name "Palestine" has also been removed from some of the maps.

Avi Woolf | 29.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia accuses Israel of "genocidal" acts in Rafah

The Saudi Foreign Ministry issued a condemnation of the Rafah fire killing dozens of civilians, blaming Israel for the deaths and calling for international intervention.

JFeed Staff | 29.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, International Court of Justice

Report: Arab states also welcome ICJ ruling ordering halt to Rafah operations; Saudi Arabia last to do so

Arab countries joined the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in welcoming the International Court of Justice order to cease operations in the southern Gaza Strip.

Avi Woolf | 25.05.24

Saudi-Israel Relations

US stipulations for defensive alliance with Saudi Arabia

American National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that the US will not agree to a defense alliance with Saudi Arabia without Riyadh signing normalization with Israel: "one part cannot be separated from the other."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 05.05.24

Saudi Arabia

Report: Saudi Arabia arrested citizens who attacked Israel 

It was reported on the Bloomberg network that the Saudi government has increased  efforts to arrest citizens who published anti-Israeli posts online.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 02.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Saudi Arabia

Smotrich responds to Biden's proposal of a Palestinian state for Saudi normalization: We won't allow it

Smotrich: "A Palestinian state is an obstacle to peace and an existential threat to Israel."

Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed | 18.04.24

Iran Attack, Saudi Arabia, Iran

Saudi Arabia and Jordan counter Iranian criticism that they helped intercept missile and drone attack on Israel

According to Kann 11 News, both countries insisted that the decision to intercept the projectiles was "a matter of sovereignty."

Avi Woolf | 14.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Israel-German Relations

Scholz to Netanyahu: "We cannot see Palestinians dying of hunger"

The Prime Minister made it clear that Israel cannot exist alongside Hamas; the German Chancellor said Israel has the right to defend itself but that the civilian casualties are too high.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 17.03.24

Red Sea, Houthis

Globes: Houthis cut at least four undersea cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti 

The communications cables connect European countries to Asia and serve as a serious disruption to communications, especially the Gulf states and India.

Avi Woolf | 25.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Saudi Arabia

The Saudi request in exchange for normalization

During a visit by Minister Ron Dermer to the US, the Saudis submitted a request that a Palestinian currency be recognized in an effort to advance regional normalization.

JFeed Staff | 18.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, 2-State Solution

Report: US making "dangerous" demands from Israel

The US is reportedly asking Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria & recognize a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 15.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Liberman: "Netanyahu will resign before a war starts in the north"

MK Avigdor Liberman claims he knows the Prime Minister's plans, and that he intends to resign in the coming months.

JFeed Staff | 02.02.24

Israel-Saudi Relations

US: Israel-Saudi Normalization Still Possible

National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby said that the United States still believes is that normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia is "still possible."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 22.01.24

Saudi Arabia, Normalization

BBC: Saudi Arabia Wants Normalization after the War

International reports indicate that despite Israel's war with Hamas, Saudi Arabia still expresses interest in establishing diplomatic relations with Israel as part of a normalization agreement.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 09.01.24

Israel At War, 'Our Neighborhood'

TBN Israel's Mati Shoshani Unveils Weekly Middle East News Highlights

Mati Shoshani delivers a succinct yet comprehensive overview of key events unfolding in the Middle East. This week's headlines underscore the region's dynamic challenges and developments.

Abraham Gutman | 31.12.23

Unusual Announcement

Will They Stop Helping? Saudi Arabia and the UAE in an Unusual Announcement

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates announced that they will soon stop humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip: "This will be the responsibility of Israel and the United States. We will not finance Gaza without a two-state solution."

| JFeed Staff | 12.12.23