The High Court of Justice

The Legal Reform
Ohana: We will establish a new court to replace the High Court

Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana continued his attack against the Supreme Court and said that he will work to establish a Constitutional Court to replace the High Court: "There are a variety of legislative ideas that the Knesset will bring to deal with this trampling."

JFeed | 14.09.23

The Discussion on the Clause of Reasonability

After 13 hours: the discussion on the Clause of Reasonability ended

After 13.5 hours, the discussion in the Supreme Court regarding the law to limit the Clause of Reasonability has concluded. Now, everyone is waiting for the judgment, which will be delivered in the coming months. The Knesset and the government were given 21 days to complete their written arguments

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Protest Against Hayut

"Unimaginable choking silence": protest in front of Hayut's house

Activists of 'If You Will' arrived at the house of the President of the High Court with duct tape over their mouths, as a sign of protest against preventing the right-wing organizations from joining the discussion on the reduction of the Clause of Reasonability

JFeed | 23.08.23