The Temple Mount

Politics, Temple Mount
On the day of Netanyahu's speech: Ben Gvir sparks another firestorm

National Security Minister Ben Gvir: "I am the political leadership and the political leadership permits Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount."

JFeed Staff | 24.07.24

Temple Mount

For the first time in centuries: A tefillin-clad Jew walks on the Temple Mount

Michael Puah, a religious Zionist social activist, snuck in tefillin and put it on in the Temple Mount Area. The police let it go at first but then detained him for questioning.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 05.06.24

Temple Mount

13 suspects arrested en-route to Passover sacrifice on Temple Mount

13 suspects who tried to reach the Temple Mount with goats in order to sacrifice them for Passover were detained by police.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 22.04.24

Temple Mount

"No freedom of speech": Young man arrested after protesting on Temple Mount

Israeli police arrested a young man who came to the Temple Mount and shouted: "Don't close the Mount to Jews!" Tom Nisani, head of Beyadenu was outraged: "Only on the Temple Mount do Jews not have freedom of speech! We are treated as guests."

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 28.03.24

Temple Mount

On Ben Gvir's watch:  Temple Mount to be closed to Jews for 16 days

The Temple Mount will be closed to Jews for the longest period in recent years. Head of Jewish rights organization: "right-wing surrender to terrorism."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 27.03.24

Ramadan, Temple Mount

Netanyahu: Freedom of worship will be maintained on Temple Mount during Ramadan, in numbers comparable to previous years

The Prime Minister and the government thus rejected National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir's efforts to restrict or bar Muslim entry to the Temple Mount altogether.

Avi Woolf | 05.03.24

Temple Mount, Itamar Ben Gvir

Decisions regarding Temple Mount security taken from Ben Gvir and given to war cabinet

The decision came in the wake of opposition from the State Camp party and with the support of Defense Minister Gallant.

JFeed Staff | 28.02.24

Itamar Ben Gvir, Temple Mount

Police against Ben Gvir's closing of Temple Mount to Muslim worshippers: It will set the region on fire

After discussing whether to allow Israeli Arabs to pray on the Temple Mount over Ramadan and under what conditions, and after Ben Gvir strongly opposed it - police sources claim: the decision will lead to a flare-up in Jerusalem.

JFeed Staff | 28.02.24

Temple Mount

Former Mufti of Jerusalem indicted on incitement to terror charges

It's about time: the State Prosecutor's Office announced that an indictment will be filed against the former Mufti of Jerusalem.

Oz Israel Schwartz | 21.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Itamar Ben Gvir

Leftist journalist leaves readers incensed: "How dare you compare Ben Gvir to Sinwar?" 

Veteran political correspondent, Amnon Abramovich, wrote an opinion column asking if Ben Gvir might succeed where the Hamas leader has failed. Surfers were furious: "Are you out of your mind?"

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 20.02.24

Temple Mount, Israel-Gaza War

Gantz: Limitations on Temple Mount prayer not yet decided, to be based solely on security considerations

The State Camp leader said that recommendations for limiting Muslim prayer on the Temple Mount had not yet been officially approved.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 18.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Temple Mount

Netanyahu to limit Muslims' presence on Temple Mount during Ramadan

The Prime MInister decided after consultation to accede to National Security Minister's demand that the number of Muslims allowed on the Temple Mount be limited.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 18.02.24

Pilgrimage To The Temple Mount

Pilgrims and detainees records: these are the figures for the pilgrims to the Temple Mount during the holiday

The organization 'Beyadenu' for the Temple Mount notes with satisfaction that the number of immigrants to the Temple Mount has increased significantly, however the number of those arrested and detained also increased during the right-wing government

JFeed | 05.10.23

Year Summary

Year 5783 in numbers: a jump in the number of Pilgrims to the Temple Mount

About 49,000 people went up to the Temple Mount compared to 51,644 last year, even though it was a leap year, Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu: "Despite the police restrictions, the people of Israel continue to go up en masse to its beating heart!"

JFeed | 14.09.23

Jews Ascending the Temple Mount

A large group of Jews ascended to the Temple Mount, sang, and was removed from the site

The ascent to the Temple Mount was carried out in large groups of 100 people each time. One of the groups sang songs about Jerusalem and was immediately expelled from the mount towards the Lion's Gate

Simcha Raz, Srugim News | 27.07.23