Yariv Levin

The Legal Reform
Lapid: a crooked and thuggish proposal that was managed through a violent process

The Supreme Court will convene for a hearing with a full composition of 15 judges, for the first time in history. Lapid: "Those who want basic laws to be treated with reverence, let them start by enacting them properly."

JFeed | 12.09.23

The Legal Reform

Before the dramatic hearing at the High Court: Yariv Levin made an harsh statement

Before the dramatic discussion on the reduction of the reason for reasonableness, Justice Minister Yariv Levin launched a sharp attack against the judges of the High Court: "a fatal injury to democracy and to the status of the Knesset"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Riot Near Levin's House

Riot near Levin's house; Security guards rescued him in a car

The police arrested 6 protesters after they rioted near the home of Justice Minister Yariv Levin. They tried to block his car with garbage cans

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

The Legal Reform

Levin responds to Ohana: "Congratulations on a brave speech"

Justice Minister Yariv Levin supported the speech of Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, who went against the High Court of Justice and slammed harsh words against his interference in the legislative authority: "I hope that his words will find listening ears among the judges of the Supreme Court."

JFeed | 06.09.23

The Dollar Reacts

On the way to a compromise: the dollar reacts to the contacts between the parties

Following the publication of the coalition's proposal to freeze the legal reform and leave the committee for the selection of judges, the dollar recorded a drop and stood at 3.779 NIS, after the reports of disagreements it returned to trading around 3.80 NIS 

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

The Reason for the Halt of the Legal Reform

Tzachi Hanegbi, the head of the NSC, clarifies that the legal reform did not pass in its original form due to the strength of the protest: "It was the most effective factor in the halt"

The head of the National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi, reveals that he was surprised by the strength of the protest against the legal reform and admits that ultimately this is the reason Netanyahu backed away from the initial reform

JFeed | 04.09.23

Levin's Demand was Accepted

The demand was accepted; Yariv Levin will receive independent representation before the High Court

The Minister of Justice demanded, the legal adviser to the government confirmed: in the hearing of the petition on the question of convening the committee for the selection of judges, Yariv Levin will be able to receive separate representation in order to assert his position

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 03.09.23

Busy Month at the High Court

Towards a constitutional crisis? Towards a busy month with petitions to the High Court against the government

In the coming weeks, precedent hearings will be held in the Supreme Court on petitions against the Knesset and the government, with decisions that may lead to a constitutional crisis | The full schedule

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 03.09.23

Tension Between Levin and Baharav-Miara

After an exchange of accusations: Levin demands separate legal representation

After accusing the legal advisor of not representing him adequately, Yariv Levin is now demanding independent representation in the hearing at the Supreme Court on Thursday.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 03.09.23

An Inspection Committee will be Established

The government confirmed: an inspection committee will be established for the Pegasus affair

Despite the legal advisory's stance against the decision, the government approved the establishment of the governmental investigation committee for the issue of the use of the Pegasus software. The committee will be chaired by retired judge Moshe Drori

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.08.23

An Investigation Committee for the Pegasus Affair

The Attorney General is against the establishment of an investigation committee for the Pegasus affair: "Lack of authority"

The Legal Advisor to the Government opposes the establishment of an investigation committee for the Pegasus affair, and according to their argument, there may be interference with existing criminal proceedings: "Concern of substantial improper influence"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.08.23

Levin Allowed to have Separate Representation

The legal advisor will allow Levin to have separate representation at the High Court

The Legal Adviser to the Government informed the Minister of Justice that the government will be able to use separate representation in the petitions against the law to reduce the Clause of Reasonability, following apparent differences in their positions regarding the petition

JFeed | 16.08.23

Measure of reasonableness - moment of truth

The moment of truth: The Knesset votes on reduction of the measure of reasonableness

After 26 hours of discussions, the Knesset plenum votes to approve the law to reduce the measure of reasonableness in the second and third reading.

Bentzi Rubin | 24.07.23

A surprising survey

Poll: Who is leading in the Likud leadership race after Idan Netanyahu?

"Meluchadim News" magazine asked the party's supporters to rate the Likud members on the question of suitability for the leadership of the party in the post-Netanyahu era, and also to rate the Likud's top ten. These are the results

| Bentzi Rubin | 22.06.23