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Israeli Elections, Naftali Bennett

Naftali Bennett announces return to politics: "We'll do it again"

Three years after being sworn in as Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett announces his return to political life: "We will yet establish a state worthy of our people."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff
2 min read
Naftali Bennett
Photo: Avshalom Shushani/ Flash90

Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett shared this morning (Thursday) that today marks exactly three years since he was sworn in as Prime Minister of Israel, and he announced his return to political life: "We did it then, and we can do it again."

In an X post Bennett wrote: "Three years ago today, I took the oath of allegiance as the 13th Prime Minister of the State of Israel. For a little over a year, I served you, the citizens of Israel, when I headed a government that up until that moment would have seemed impossible...We catapulted Israel forward. The schedule of government ministers was entirely dedicated to promoting issues related to the daily functioning of the country. We took care of all the citizens of Israel, and we did not put one sector before the other. We knew how to reach solutions between us even in moments of disagreement."

He continued: "Today more than ever, the unimaginable reality in which we have been living since October 7, requires a leadership that knows how to unite the people and do the most basic thing that a government should do: To put the interest of the State of Israel before any other consideration, to act wisely in front of the international community, to bring all parts of the people into the circle of service and to conduct a campaign with clear goals until our enemies are defeated."

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