A'ira Shachar

Zionist Rabbis Criticize Smotrich
Zionist Rabbis against Smotrich: "misleading the public"

The controversy surrounding the demolition in Binyamin: Following the demolition carried out by police forces and officials from the Civil Administration in Givat A'ira Shachar near the settlement of Kochav HaShachar in Binyamin, a series of Zionist rabbis issued an unusual letter criticizing the statements of close associates of Smotrich

Eliyau Luksenberg, Srugim News | 17.08.23

Demolition Orders in Binyamin

After the lynching: Demolition orders were handed out in the Binyamin Hills

They didn't wait: a few days after the lynching in Binyamin, Border Police forces arrived this morning at A'irah Shachar farm and issued dozens of demolition orders. According to the residents: "We see the results - the persecution of the settlers and the destruction of the settlement"

JFeed | 09.08.23