shooting attack

West Bank, Judea and Samaria, IDF operations 
IDF responds to critic's statement on operational failure in West Bank 

In response to the critical report the IDF stated "The findings of the report do not reflect the current situation on the ground."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 23.07.24

Technology, Trump, assassination attempt

Report: FBI used Israeli technology to crack Trumps' shooters phone

FBI used technology from Israeli company Cellebrite to unlock phone of Trump shooter allowing them to unlock the phone in just 40 minutes, allowing them to uncover more intel on the shooter, though the motive of the attack remains uncertain.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.07.24

Terror attack, victim survivor, Canadian Israeli, West Bank

"I thought I was having a heart attack" incredible story of terror attack survivor

Just 2 weeks ago, Adam Ezekiel, a Canadian-Israeli citizen was shot in a terror attack while visiting the West Bank. He shares the gruelling tale in an interview with Jerusalem post on what happened. 

Eliana Fleming | 16.07.24

terror attack, west bank, IDF search

4 gunmen shot following terror attack near Har Bracha, IDF reports 

The military says IDF soldiers have fired at least four gunmen during search operations in the Nablus area for a terrorist who shot at Israeli civilians at a West Bank outpost today.

Eliana Fleming | 02.07.24

Terrorism interrogation, Israel

Spilling secrets: Palestinian gunman breaks under pressure

Following interrogation by Shin Bet, IDF, and Israeli police; Tulkarem resident admits to shooting attacks on central Israeli cities .

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 26.06.24


Three injured in Jordan Valley shooting attack

A terrorist opened fire on a bus with children and other vehicles traveling on Route 90. Three people were wounded - one in serious condition and two in light condition. The IDF has opened a manhunt. 

Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed | 28.03.24

Terror in Israel

8 injured in shooting attack, terrorists eliminated

Two terrorists opened fire near the Maale Adumim interchange on Highway 1. According to an initial report, 8 were injured on the spot, some of them in serious condition.

JFeed Staff | 22.02.24

Terror in Israel

Shooting attack near Gedera: 5 wounded in serious to moderate condition

The incident is suspected of being a terror attack.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 16.02.24

Shooting in US

1 dead and dozens injured after suspects open fire at Super Bowl party 

Dozens were injured and one woman was pronounced dead at a Super Bowl party in Kansas City.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 15.02.24

Israel At War, Shooting Attack

Shooting Attack in  Binyamin: Israeli Injured near the Settlement of  Ateret

Shooting attack in Binyamin. A terrorist opened fire at an Israeli vehicle at the Rawavi intersection. The vehicle continued to be treated at the entrance to Ateret. An Israeli was moderately injured. The terrorist fled to Bir Zeit.

| Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 18.12.23

Israel At War

Terrorist Cell Responsible for a Shooting Following the Massacre in the South was Captured

The shooting attack at the Qalandiya crossing, which was carried out a day after the start of the war, was solved after the four terrorists were arrested for questioning at the Jerusalem District Court and the Shin Bet and indictments were filed against them by the prosecutor's office.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Israel At War, Yuval Castleman  Z"L

Dramatic Development in the Investigation of the Shooting at Yuval Castleman

According to the findings of the initial investigation, conducted after Castleman's family agreed to exhume his body, the autopsy found an M16 rifle bullet and at least two bullet fragments.

JFeed Staff | 10.12.23


The Tragedy in Jerusalem: "The Soldier Simply Committed Murder"

The father of the late Yuval Castelman, who was shot to death at the scene of the attack in Jerusalem after being mistakenly identified as a terrorist, says that the soldier should receive a severe punishment: "He simply committed murder, I have no other word."

JFeed Staff | 03.12.23

Elimination of the Terrorists

Resident of Ofra who went on Vacation from Gaza Killed the Terrorists

Roy, a Golani Patrol fighter resident of Ofra, went on a refresher vacation from Gaza and came across the scene of the shooting attack in Jerusalem. He charged at the terrorists and killed them both, being slightly injured in his hand.

JFeed | 30.11.23

The Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

The Wounded Individual Recounts: "I heard gunshots and saw a person with a firearm"

17-year-old Akiva Schwartz, who was injured this morning in an attack in Jerusalem and was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, describes: "I felt something in my leg. I half limped and half ran towards the city and crashed at the gas station area."

JFeed | 30.11.23

The Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

The Names of those Murdered in the Attack in Jerusalem were Released for Publication

The names of those murdered from this morning's attack at the entrance to Jerusalem were allowed to be published. Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman, Rabbi Hana Ifergan, and Livia Dikman, HY"D.

JFeed | 30.11.23

The Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

The Shooting Attack in Jerusalem: the Number of those Murdered has Risen to Three

Three people were murdered in a shooting attack in Jerusalem. The two terrorists, Arabs from East Jerusalem, who used M-16 rifles, were killed on the spot. The condition of the four injured is defined as severe.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 30.11.23

The Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

Stopping at the Bus Station, Getting Off, and Shooting from Point-Blank Range, Documentation of the Attack in Jerusalem

The security cameras recorded the shooting attack at the entrance to the city of Jerusalem during which 8 people were injured and two were murdered. Watch the documentation of the moments of the attack.

JFeed | 30.11.23

The Shooting Attack In Jerusalem 

Miracle: Minutes Before the Attack – Dozens were at the Station

Shortly before the murderous attack took place in Jerusalem, dozens of people waited at the station and boarded several buses to Kiryat Ye'arim. "The incident could have ended completely differently," according to a witness at the scene.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 30.11.23

Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

Two Murdered in a Shooting Attack in Jerusalem

A 16-year-old girl and a 73-year-old man were murdered in a shooting attack in Jerusalem. The two terrorists, Arabs from East Jerusalem, who used M-16 rifles, were killed on the spot. The condition of four of the injured is defined as severe.

JFeed | 30.11.23