
England, Taylor Swift, Inflation
The Taylor Swift effect: How pop sensation's latest British tour impacted inflation 

Unfortunately, the Swift Effect is only temporary and has succeeded in exposing Britain's deeper inflation woes.

Gila Isaacson | 18.07.24

Israeli Arabs, Economy

Globes: Israeli Arab incomes increase faster than Jewish incomes in last decade

The increase in income comes thanks to a number of factors, especially the doubling of the number of Israeli Arab women in the workforce.

Avi Woolf | 09.07.24

Health, Economy

"What's good for Europe is good for us": Israeli toiletries reform passes first vote

The reform, advanced by the Health Ministry, would allow any toiletries approved for sale in the EU to be sold in Israel without an additional license from the ministry.

Avi Woolf | 17.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Columbia

Former Israeli coal executive on Columbian coal embargo: Worrying, but we'll manage 

A former head of the National Coal Supply Corporation told Israel Hayom that Columbia's decision to bar coal sales to Israel "until the genocide ends" is worrying but not an insurmountable challenge.

Avi Woolf | 09.06.24

European Union, Economy

ECB to reduce interest rate by 0.25%

After years of steadily increasing interest rates, the European Central Bank is now starting to pull back a little.

Avi Woolf | 06.06.24


Ynet: 7/11 fails to break into Israeli local market, calls it quits

The American convenience store giant operated in Israel for a year and a half via a franchisee, Electra, but has now decided to close up shop.

Avi Woolf | 29.05.24


Globes: Elbit flooded with orders, but supply issues mean negative cash flow

According to Elbit CEO Betzalel Machlis, the negative flow is due to investing in speeding up exports to waiting customers abroad.

Avi Woolf | 28.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Economy

Globes: This is why the shekel is gaining on the dollar and the Euro

A combination of stock market increases and greater stability in the country have returned things to normal in Israeli trading, and the expectation of a Fed rate cut is weakening the dollar.

Avi Woolf | 22.05.24


Calcalist: Milgam and Pheonix acquire Israel Postal Company, completing privatization process

The winners of the bid for the privatized company will take on its 440 million NIS of debt and fixed labor agreements.

Avi Woolf | 19.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Economy

Calcalist: Israel experiences partial recovery in first quarter of 2024

After a sharp decline in annually calculated GDP in the last quarter of 2023 (23%), economic activity bounced back and increased by 14% the following quarter.

Avi Woolf | 16.05.24

Israel, Turkey

Is Erdogan backing down? Trade between Israel and Turkey temporarily restarts

The Turkish Trade Ministry decided to temporarily lift restrictions on construction materials companies working with Israel. Meanwhile, the Foreign and Economy ministries are looking for alternatives to Turkey.

JFeed Staff | 09.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Economy

Globes: Consumption up almost everywhere, including in north and south

Despite inflation and displacement, Israeli local consumption is rebounding - with some caveats.

Avi Woolf | 09.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Economy

Fitch maintains Israel credit rating at A+, but pans its economic outlook as 'negative'

This decision stands in contrast to Moody's, which has both changed Israel's economic outlook to 'negative' and downgraded its credit rating.

Avi Woolf | 02.04.24

Tech, Finance

Jeff Bezos takes top spot on Bloomberg's Billionaires Index, knocking Elon Musk to second place

Meanwhile, Bernard Arnault, who had previously defeated Musk for the top spot, is now ranked the third wealthiest person in the world.

Avi Woolf | 05.03.24

Israel-Guatemala Relations

Globes: Israeli free trade agreement with Guatemala goes into effect today

The new agreement will include mutual tariffs reductions on each others' exports.

Avi Woolf | 29.02.24

Economics, Currency

Calcalist: Dollar drops to 3.59 NIS, Euro to 3.88 NIS

Meanwhile, JP Morgan informed its clients that the Bank of Israel maintained the current interest rate due to the government's expansionary budget policy.

Avi Woolf | 28.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Taxes

Knesset Finance Committee approves raising VAT to 18% to cover wartime shortfall

The tax increase now goes to the Knesset for a second and third vote. Members of the committee, including on the coalition, criticized the move as too easy and harming the weakest members of society.

Avi Woolf | 20.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, E-Commerce

Globes: Israelis are back to buying online - especially from China and supermarkets

An analysis by Globes shows that after a significant drop at the beginning of the war, Israelis are back to ordering online.

Avi Woolf | 19.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Economy

Mixed news from January 2024 jobs report

The number of unemployed ticked up slightly, while the number temporarily absent or who ceased looking for work has gone down since December.

Avi Woolf | 19.02.24

Consumer Price Index, Inflation

Calcalist: Annual Inflation is down to 2.6, CPI unchanged

While this should mean coming reductions in the interest rate, but the Bank of Israel is likely to wait on the effects of Moody's downgrading of Israel's rating and the state budget.

Avi Woolf | 15.02.24