Consumer Price Index, Inflation

Calcalist: Annual Inflation is down to 2.6, CPI unchanged

While this should mean coming reductions in the interest rate, but the Bank of Israel is likely to wait on the effects of Moody's downgrading of Israel's rating and the state budget.

(Photo: Lightspring/Shutterstock)

Calcalist reports that the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS) published the Consumer Price Index for January, which remained stable. This brings annual inflation down to 2.6% annually.

While this number is within the 1-3% target range for inflation, Calcalist says the Bank of Israel is expected to hold off on interest rate cuts until they can get a better handle on the effects of Moody's downgrading of Israel's credit rating and of the state budget on the Israeli economy.

According to the ICBS, health prices increased 0.6%, as well as food and housing which each increased 0.2%. Meanwhile, clothing, shoes, culture, and leisure all declined by 1.0%, fruits and vegetables declined by 0.5%, and transportation went down 0.4%.


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England, Taylor Swift, Inflation

The Taylor Swift effect: How pop sensation's latest British tour impacted inflation 

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Israeli Arabs, Economy

Globes: Israeli Arab incomes increase faster than Jewish incomes in last decade

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European Union, Economy

ECB to reduce interest rate by 0.25%

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Economics, Currency

Calcalist: Dollar drops to 3.59 NIS, Euro to 3.88 NIS

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Israel-Gaza War, Bank of Israel, Economy

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Israel-Gaza War, Economy

Bank of Israel: War's Effect on Economy Moderating in November

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Israel-Gaza War, Economy

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Exchange Rates

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The Treasury Denies

The Treasury denies that the state intends to borrow from the Bank of Israel

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Israel-Gaza War, Economy, Currency

Shekel Strengthens as Fighting Continues

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